
Guess what I did?

That's right..

*I* got to hold a newborn baby girl.. 3 days old :)

Our upstairs neighbor had her baby Wednesday. I held the little one, and she is very cute of course, and smelled like a baby :) -- and when I held her she stopped crying... (fluke I am sure, but I'll take it ) -- and then I fed her a bit of her bottle. What a sweety. Made my day really.

In other baby news, my step-sister is getting very close to having the baby. She is dialated to
3-4 cm, but not at the hospital.. they are giving her until Thursday, and if she hasn't started contracting more and such, they will induce her. I kind of hope they don' t have to give her the pitocin or anything, cuz I hear that can sometimes make the contractions much more painful. The lady upstairs got to the hospital and had the baby within an hour's time. She had the epidural, and said that nothing really hurt. I hope that things can go that well for Sarah :)
She has an infection a bit though, so she has to do some stuff with some antibiotics, to make sure that the baby has a safe clean place to land ;) lol

Again with my issues. My sister called Wednesday, said she would call back that night. She didn't call. She called my mom on like Thurs night.. gave my mom the lowdown. Again didn't call me. I called her a total of 8 times now, letting her know I was anxious to hear from her, and when I would be around etc. I know know know that she is busy, much busier than I am, and that she is preparing for the arrival of her baby... I get all of that.. but there is a part of me that definitely thinks that this is her way of paying me back because she is upset that we moved to Sioux City (85 miles south) right before she was going to have the baby. Initially I thought it sounded like she wasn't ever going to have me babysit anyway, cuz her so's side of the family is big, and in town, and her mom is in town.. so I figured she wouldn't have me watch the baby unless absolutely everyone was busy. (She is a bit.. well.. I don't know, snobby maybe?) -- so anyway, before we moved, I told her to bring the baby anytime, and she said ok... I didn't think anything of it. Well, when we decided we were moving down here for sure, and told her about it she was upset. So, I guess maybe we didn't know it but she had counted on us babysitting a lot more often.... so now I feel bad about that. And I do wish I was just a trip across town so that I would get to see my (probably) niece often... but you know, we have to do what is right for our family (me, jim, leo) -- so... anyway.. I wish if she WAS upset with me, she would just say it. Just come out and say. I was really counting on you, and now I am hurt that you moved away... but she would never just say that.. evidently she just won't talk to me anymore...?? -- anyway, I called her again today (this time from my moms cell - free minutes) - and she picked up -- and said she was really busy shopping and she would call me at home tonight... so again, I will wait for the phone to ring, so I can chalk it up to I overreacted, and she was very busy.. but I really really feel like she is upset that we moved, and this is how she is going to show it --- Which makes me very sad. I happen to think that I would make a great aunt. But, I guess time will tell.

Anyway, I think I am less cranky now, and I don't know what was up the last week or so. I just felt icky. Just kind of like I hated living in this town cuz Jim is always gone, so I either do nothing, or do things with my mom. Now, don't get me wrong, I love love love spending time with my mom, and would have no problem with doing that every day.. but she isn't the same as my husband, you know what I mean? Ok, I think this is getting too long now... but I just wanted to share all of that :)

Angel Chasse (again)


Cindy said...

It's always nice to hold a newborn. I hope that new baby doesn't keep you awake at night!

Becky said...

Hmm...so you never do anything with me either right? Hehe

Dr. Deb said...

I love holding babies. It's the most wonderful remedy for things!

Lu said...

ahhh the smell of newborn babies... :)