
Not much...

Not much going on around here. Jim starts work tomorrow, so I will be home by myself a lot more. Probably equates to more blogging :) - I listened to the president's speech half-heartedly last night. I support the troops, but I do NOT support the president that put them there and is keeping them there. I am tired, and I have a sore throat. What is that thing called where your nose drips stuff into the back of your throat (and thus makes it sore) -- what ever that is called, that is what I have :) - yuck I know. So this coming monday is the 4th of July. I almost wish it was the 4th of september, so that it would be COOLER outside. It seems that the last 2+ weeks it has been 90 and humid every darn day.. I love winter, I can always warm up. It is much harder for me to cool down. Not sure what is up with people who are summer lovers.. I mean, its great cuz you can be outside more, but I am not much of a being out in the hot kind of person. I think I will try to upload some more pictures to my Flickr today. We'll see. I neeed need need to do laundry, but I hate laundry. But, if I go and do it, then its done, and maybe I can go over to Becky's and swim. -- again, as you can prolly tell if you are reading this.. I have not got a lot going on right now :)

Angel Chasse (again)


Cindy said...

Yeah, I didn't really listen to the president last night. Mainly because I can't stand to hear his voice. I can't stand that he stumbles over his words. It's still pukey hot here too. I can hear thunder, but I doubt that it will rain or bring any relief.

Playground In My Mind said...

we had ozone action days twice this week...ugh! hot and humid and no relief in sight. Renee