
My Mom

My Mom - By Angel Chasse

My mom had me young... she is still young now (45)
My mom taught me everything I needed to know.. I had crossed eyes when I was born, and some other motor skills problems, I was a preemie.. she had me tying my shoes and counting and knowing my colors and starting to write my name before Head Start. She took the time with me to show me how to do those things... to this day, she is still my greatest teacher...

Times were tight with us, we didnt have every new toy to come out or every new designer lable of clothes, but my mom taught us to APPRECIATE the things that we did have. I think kids today could learn a lot more in that department

My mom always worked, most of the time I can remember anyway.. she worked hard, physical jobs. I never understood just how hard she worked until I tried a job that was even remotely like hers. I can't handle that kind of work, but she did it and never complained. Every day in the packing house, just to make the money to put food on the table and give us clothes and a roof. Thanks for that Mom, I know I never said it enough... Still don't

My mom taught me so many things, she taught me to love with my whole heart (we both still cry at any sad movie) -- she taught me that an honest admission of what I did wrong was always better than a lie that she found out about... it's simple with my mom.. Don't lie, don't cheat, never intentionally hurt another person, be kind to animals, do what you elders ask of you without complaining.. work hard and be proud of what you have accomplished. Very simple really, but in today's world, I see so many even in my own family that have let some of these things go by the wayside. Not my Mom, she's still the same great woman today that she was when she gave birth to me.

My mom has had to put up with so much. I quit college, then fell in love and got married at 19... she would rather I wait.. My brother got into some minor trouble when he was younger, but now doesn't seem to like to keep a job or pay bills. It almost killed her to tell him that he couldn't keep moving back in to her house, but how else would he learn to be an independent man? After all, he is a MAN now.. going to be 23 this June.. She has done what she can, and now it is up to him to use the skills and values she has taught him, to make a go of it. I understand that. Some Don't. Ahh well.

You know, it is great knowing that there is one person in the world that won't let you slip, won't let you get away with things that you don't really want to get away with anyway.. My mom and I have not always seen eye to eye, and I don't pretend to think that she is perfect. But you know what, she has taught me more in my 26 years than any college in the world could ever teach me. She taught me how to BE.. how to LIVE, she taught me RESPECT, and HONESTY, and most of all she showed me LOVE, and taught me how to love ..... and isn't that what it is all about anyway?

I guess I didn't go as eloquent or wordy with this as my mom probably deserves, but I think she would get it. She is a lot like me -- strike that.. shouldn't that be "I am a lot like her" ? Anyway, I know I have my struggles in life, but I really think I owe all of the good things I am today to my Mom.. She never gave up on me or my brother, and she always kept us accountable for the things we said and did .... I am eternally greatful...

I love you mom... you are truly the best. Maybe next year I will find a way to tell you that is better than this, and worthy of you :) But for now, this is what I've got :)

Kleenex please....... lol... told ya.. I inherited that from my MOM too :)

Someday I hope that I get the chance to be one- tenth of the Mom that you are to me today.



lightfeather said...

Angel, you ARE an angel!

Cindy said...

Thanks Angel, you've touched me again. My mom taught me to stand on my own two feet and never to be dependent on others. I think she had to. She had me when she was 20. Was a widow at 28 with 3 kids. I was the oldest, so I grew up really fast. I'd give just about anything to have had more time with her. Have a great Mother's Day.

sparkydiva said...

you are blessed to be able to see that about your mother - and to express it with such love.

Nancy said...

Boy do I feel old. I am 45 too. My kids are 12 and 13!

Very nice tribute to your mother. I hope she got to read it! You are a good daughter!

I found you on Cindy's blog. I wanted to tell you that I googled Rosie this morning and read that they had some problem with a hacker over the weekend. Perhaps that affected her blog as well.

I hope it is nothing worse than that. She did say be still. I take that to mean it won't be long.

I too hate the loser people comments. Why can't they just stay off her blog?

Have a great day.

TheMommason said...

Great post and you are specail and affect people as well. thanks for making me cry at work ;)