
Enough..leave Rosie ALONE

Ok, so I started this blog, cuz I read Rosie's, and she was great at blogging... so I made one of my own :) - I read hers religiously LOL ( What's your religion Angel, Angel: I'm a Rosieologist :))

Ok.. that was funny to me... and.. prolly not to you.. but anyway...moving on..

Why do people have to lash out at Rosie? What has she done to them? NOTHING
What is she doing wrong? NOTHING
Who is she hurting? NOONE

Who is she helping??????? TONS OF PEOPLE especially me..
So, again, like I said in my comment on her blog... if you have something horrible to say to her.... why don't you just email it to ME at mciangel@gmail.com and I will deal with you. We can talk it out, you can hurl insults, heck you can even call me fat and stupid.. I can take it.. but you should leave Rosie alone, because
She doesnt have time to look at your crap. She is busy DOING THINGS FOR THE GOOD OF MANKIND WITH HER LIFE -- again LEAVE HER ALONE...

Ok... end of my ranting.. I just do NOT understand how people can come down so hard on someone who hasn't hurt THEM.. hasn't ever bothered THEM... I don't get it ..

I love Rosie O'Donnell, and I want all of the best things for her.. she is "good people" and she really has things to say that I would like to hear, and I would like to continue to be able to comment on her blog.. something that I enjoy.. and others too.. and if these jerks keep it up, I might lose that privilige.. so.. thats the reason for this rant.. I love Rosie, and I think a lot of people get a lot out of her writings.. :):)
Take care Rosie...
Love ya :):)
Angel Chasse

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