
List of sites I visit...

Thursday March 30th 2006 1:23 PM

I wasn't sure what to blog about, but I knew I wanted to blog... so I am posting a list of sites that I visit regularly, and I am asking that anyone who reads this (all 1 of you) LOL -- Suggest more interesting places to spend my time on the net.. :)

www.keloland.com -- Sioux Falls, SD News Site
www.usbank.com -- My Bank
www.rosie.com -- Rosie's Blog.. *SHE* always has something to say..
www.noaa.gov -- Good weather site
www.gmail.com -- Email of Course
www.justlu.com -- Lu's Blog.. check it out
http://drdeborahserani.blogspot.com/ -- Dr Deb's Blog.. check this one out too!
www.crossroads-community.net -- My brother in law's church website..
www.tvguide.com/listings -- boring I know ;)
www.ebay.com -- Ebay of course
www.marthastewart.com -- Queen of all things household-ish
www.realsimple.com -- Great all around site for tips
http://www.greyswriters.com/ -- If you enjoy Grey's...read this blog :)

Other than those, and the websites I use to pay my bills online (cable co, phone co, electric co, etc..) I don't have much ;) I have usually a bbs chat open, msn messenger, yahoo messenger sometimes, and google talk (cuz it is the only one Jim and Tim will use) lol -- boring time on the net, I need to start doing some other stuf online ;)... I did log in through my library card access to take the 3 sections of the US Citizenship exam though (or a practice test of it) -- I was quite ashamed that I only answered 75% of the questions right. That would give me what? a C? SAD SAD SAD... I am waiting for Immigration to come and deport me now... LOL ..

Rainy spring day here.. and HUMID already :( - Not a pleasant sign of things to come.. and EVERYONE makes fun of me for liking fall and winter best... I hate being hot, and I hate the humidity... it is soooooo much easier to put clothes and blankets ON to get warmer.. but, in the summertime, its not like it is EASY to naturally cool yourself.. we have to have AIR CONDITIONING.. ick...
Ok, enough out of me for today ;)

Angel Chasse (again)


Anonymous said...

Hi, Angel.
A couple of fun sites to visit are www.dooce.com and www.amalah.com both of which are written by new mothers. I'm not a mother, but I enjoy their writing. Witty and fun. Also, www.dadgonemad.com is written by a dad who happens to be a superb writer. Very entertaining. My daily check-ins are also www.google.com and click on news. You can really keep up with what's going in the world. Very interesting. This will give you another hour of reading and then your husband will wonder where you are!

Dr. Deb said...

I know....why is it HUMID out? Thanks for the shout-out. And for also stopping by. You were one of my first blog friends, and I love when you visit.

Happy rest of the weekend to you,