
Most Life Changing Event.....


So... I got an abnormal psychology book. Jim is taking the class, and knew I had an interest in the field, so he got me a book, and I have been following along, and taking practice tests etc. We are looking at how stress or life events causing stress can affect your physical health.

So there was this inventory put together. Life Stress Units or something like that. Anyway, it asks you to rank some "bad things" that could happen to you, in order of how devastating or life changing they would be. In many cases, many cultures, the #1 thing that could happen was death of a spouse. I was thinking to myself as we were reading...yah, that sounds about right to me....

Jim stopped reading, and we discussed... He doesn't think that would be the worst. He thinks that losing his own sight, or a limb, something that was debilitating in his own health or life would be the worst. I get where he is coming from. It would absolutely affect ya. Whereas your spouse dying might not affect some as much as it would me.

That got me thinking about how different the world is for each and every person in it. I mean, not just the physical, like tall, short, fat, skinny... I mean like, we all live in the same world, but we all see it so differently. I personally have a lot of views that are considered "liberal" I suppose, but everyone is so different.

Not sure exactly what I had to add to this discussion, just really thought about how how you view the world really affects how you live, and probably how long you live, and how well you live.. I know, elemetary dear watson.. but... sometimes when Jim and I are talking, and he expresses an opinion or a thought that is WAY different than I would see it, it dawns on me how different people can really be... and shocks me to know that I am married to someone so different than me, and for the most part, it works out just great...... weird eh? See why I don't blog EVERYTHING that I think about? LOL

In other news, I wish that I had learned to sew when I was younger.. now I don't really have the patience or coordination for it... but my cousin (who is 15) is making a quilt.. a really cool one.. wish I could do that, but alas, I would end up all flustered and mad, so I will just pay her to make me one :) LOL

I am also making a calendar in my outlook to remind me of people's bday, so I can be sure to send a special note, or Ecard... if you want to send me your bday info so I can include ya, my email is mciangel@gmail.com

That's all for today.... ;)

Angel Chasse (again)

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