
Kinda Whiny

Its HOT here now.

HOT makes me NOT want to ride my bike..

I can not complain too much, because compared to last year, we had an absolutely COOL and NOT HUMID June this year! WOO HOO :)

I fell in love with the treadmill at the gym that Jim is working at for the summer... and then I found out that it runs aproximately 6900.00 (That's right, almost seven thousand dollars american) hehe..

We will most likely get a treadmill before summer is over, but it will not be the one I have been using at the gym :) ;)

We have planned a trip to the beach for Friday, as Jimbo has the day off, and it is expected to reach 96 degrees here.. Cool lake water here we come :) We were rained out a couple of weeks ago when we made the journey, but I looked at the weather forcast on 3 websites, and no rain is forcast at all on any of them :):)

Jim got a new digital camera in anticipation of the Orlando Florida trip at the end of August, so he will no doubt be busy trying it out in the meantime.. :)

I have the Casio Exilm exZ57 and he has the Casio Exilim ex Z9 :) I have 5 megapixels and cruddy video capability, and he has 8 megapixels and High Quality video capability.. its all a trade off.. hehe..

I just asked Jimbo for the model # of his camera to post it here, and he said "why, are you looking it up to see the huge price drop that has happened since we bought it.." haha.. I didnt know about that. Such is life.... Wax On, Wax Off... hehe

We also got some "beginner type snorkel gear" for like 5 dollars at Kmart the other day, so Jimbo wants to get me all practiced up on my breathing through a tube etc etc before Florida.. wish me luck, I am not sure that this will be one of my strong suits.

Part of me wants to see if there is a safe reliable underwater case for my camera, but then the majority of me says "that was a big purchase, you would be devestated if it was ruined by water" ...

Oh, we got a great deal on woot.com today.. 2gb flash cards, a micro sd card for only 5.99 plus shipping. We got two of them at that price so in total we have 8gb worth of cards to take pictures and video with in Florida :) what great timing for that woot.com item.. we always joke here that "woot only puts the cool stuff up once they know we are broke for the month :) " ... this time we got lucky :)

Ok, this is getting long now. I wish you all cool breezes and plenty of iced tea/lemonade/soda :)


1 comment:

Dr. Deb said...

Hot here too. HUMID also. The humidity chokes me. Blah. Fall, Spring Winter are the best for me.

Here's to cool breezes and ice tea, and climate control!!