
The New Member Of Our Family

Announcing, 8 week old, Lizzie!

She is our new kitten. I didnt want a kitten when the opportunity first came up. Jim really did want a kitten. He won. We all won. She is a great little kitten. She has, I think, far too much energy for our family, but that is a good thing I am sure :)

The one thing that she does that needs to STOP is that when I am in the kitchen, and she doesn't have a way up onto the counters, she will crawl up ME to get on the counter... when I have my jeans on, just mildly irritating.... but when I have my pj's on, and she climbs up my bare leg... NOT SO GOOD! (read: OUCH)

Leo (our big cat) loves her, but I think that I am going to have a heart attack seeing them "play" together. It is crazy... he licks her, then cleans her, then fights with her, then bites her, and she yelps, and I freak out, and take her away from him. She then goes BACK over there!!!! Driving me insane.. I want to protect her, since she is so tiny.. but obviously, she is fine.. and *I* need to learn that :)

Cats as lessons for life.... someone should write a book... or someone probably already has.

In other news, I am SO excited. We have shut off the A/C and opened up all the windows! I even had to shut some because it became too chilly in the apartment! WOO HOO that is my kind of problem :):):)

Angel Chasse (again)
Sept 19th 2006 10:30 AM


Dr. Deb said...

I LOVE her. She is sooooo cute! All my kitties have done the crawl up the leg thing. I recommend cutting her nails a bit or asking the vet to do that. It does help.

Sounds like Lizzie and Leo are having a ton of fun. And that you and Jim are too.


Dr. Deb said...

Just popping in to say hi.