Today, small pleasures... yellow...
Jim and I went to falls park, sat on a picnic table in the shade, and drank our sodas and ate our sunflower seed. We have done this TONS of time.. TONS.. but we are really into being outside there. Today was a bit different. We saw some prairie dogs, or gophers, or ground squirrels, whatever you want to call them....anyway..
They were running around playing, and I have always hated those little things, they make little holes in the ground, where they live.... I have the uncanny knack of putting my foot in those little holes, and almost breaking said foot every time I am outside :)
I got a different perspective today. They were playing and Jim started feeding them the sunflower seeds. They loved those. They loved them a lot. They came within reach-out-and-touch-them space. It was very cool, and we sat there and fed them and got entertained for the better part of an hour. It was great.. and my husband said very yellow words to me.. with a smile... "This makes me happy" - Made my day.. and the little critters did too :) I never would have thought I was going to start liking those little rascals
You learn something new every day.... so true so true :)
I think I love blogging :)
wow...i could use a moment like that...thanks for sharing..
Thanks for sharing that story. What fun!
Your words to your wife are lovely!! You too are a special person, a rare breed!!
Much happiness to you both!!
Deb and i spend a lot of time going on drives to the Indiana Dunes and The Dunes National Lakeshore here in NW Indiana. We enjoy watching the seasons change and how different plants and trees can be in bloom from weekend to weekend.
A few weekends ago on a Sunday we decided on the spur of the moment to drive a bit further East to check out the campgrounds at Potato Creek State Park. A friend of ours had mentioned that her and her husband would like to get a small group of us together to head out there later in the summer. We're kind of picky about our sites, i need at least one shade tree because i burn easily and we like to have nice grass to put the tent off we went. It was overcast, windy and cold that day. We packed a bag with apples, yogurts, granola bars and bottles of water and off we went. As we were circling around all of the camping loops and writing down site numbers, we found a site that had been recently vacated and still had a fire going in the pit.
We hate when people do that, so we pulled in and just decided to take advantage of the warmth and fresh air - we dragged the picnic table closer and huddled over the small fire and broke out our little picnic. It's one of the best of recent moments shared and my hoodie still smells of campfire! Mmmmm.
Keep enjoying those moments!!
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