
What REALLY Matters...To me

First, thanks for all who view this page, and all those who take the time to comment. I think I have learned a lot by looking at your comments left here, and then jumping to your blogs, and seeing things from your point of view :)

What really matters.. To me

Love... having it - giving it fully- knowing it is absolute - discovering there is no limit to it

Kindness.. practicing it like it is your religion - sharing kindness to everyone you come across (hard, but I am working on it) - considering it your "job" to be kind to everyone - being the better person when someone is not being kind to you, meaning you are kind to even those who are jerks (again, I'm still working on that one)

Family..... My husband, mother, brother, friends, acquaintances, all of them.. I consider them all part of my "family" - I am always looking to add new people.. From the "meet the parents" movie, my "circle of trust" - Family... can't turn your back on them, can't ever give up on them.. gotta keep reaching out.. trying to help.. trying to comfort, trying to make things better in the lives of your family...

Fun... seems that it might not make the list of things that really matter, but as a person who is/has been depressed, some times it just comes down to putting EVERYTHING else aside, and doing what is fun for you.. maybe not get out the legos and build something fun, but maybe.. take some time for you.. bubble bath, trip to the coffee shop, reading a magazine, whatever it is that you consider fun. Seems like good medicine to me...

Children... they are our future.. cliche' I know.. but think about it.. they will carry this world on, when we are long gone.. we have to make sure they have love, and inteligent leaders and guides...

off the soapbox for now.. have a great evening all :)

Angel Chasse (again)

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I avoid "jerks" as much as possible. I really have a hard time being kind to someone who has no concept of kindness. I guess I need to work on that too!