Let's see.. I am presently upset with Gevalia coffee company. They billed me for and shipped some coffee, when I emailed them my request to cancel the program about - well, 20 weeks ago. Evidently they didn't get that, or didn't care or whatever... so they billed for 30 dollar's worth of coffee.. urgh.. That makes me think of something... To us (Jim and I) 30 dollars right now is a big enough amount to make us think " sure don't like losing that money" and thinking of things for our move that we might have to wait to buy.. a few mini blinds or shades perhaps.. So, because I am me, and that is messed up at the moment, I got all upset when I saw that draft on my bank statment online thing... I was all mad at myself for not checking up on it, and mad at them for making it easy to join the program (over the phone) and hard to get out of it ( you must notify us in writing.. blah blah) -- I freaked out, then I told Jim. Up to that point he was having a good day. He even asked me if I had any bad news, cuz seems to be lately, that if one of us has a great day, the next day has some bad news in it... anyway, enough about that .. except to say that when Jim is done with school, and I am feelilng better and back at work... I can't wait until 30 dollars is nice, but losing it doesn't cause me to get mad and shed a tear... One man's 30 is another man's 300 or 3000 I guess... ah well...
So, now I am sitting here wondering if I can get into trouble for mentioning Gevalia by name.. but you know what? I promised myself that if I started this blog, I would not obsess over spelling and content... that I would write in it, and then click publish, and that would be the end of each post.. so I am going to stick to that plan, for my sanitly's sake...
Today is my Mom and Step-Dad's 14th wedding anniversary. I was 12 when they got married.. that was tough. Getting a new dad at any age is tough I am sure, but man were there a lot of slammed doors and shouting matches and hurt feelings and all that kind of stuff back then. Wow, I have been married to Jim 7 years, so half of the time my parents have been married... I guess you could say I have grown up a lot from 14 years ago, and I feel a bit more knowledgeable about life, but I know I am still quite naive and childlike. I still have a LOT to work on and a lot to learn!!!!!! I used to think I would never ever ever respect Steve (stepdad) and I would never see things from his point of view.. but now I have relatives with kids, and I see how him being tough on my brother and I was really the right thing to do.. I mean sure it went too far sometimes. .. but such is life.. being grounded for 2 weeks isnt the worst thing that can happen to you in your life :) and come to think of it, neither is losing 29 dollars of too expensive coffee...
Ok, again, long and rambling... seems that is what I do best.... thanks for readin :)
Angel Chasse (again)
PS here is a picture of my mom and dad
woo hooooo! i'm first on yours today! just for the record - i think you're very sweet and very bright. and tell the coffee people they suck!
ps...hope rosie lets us post comments soon!
Hey lady you are too nice cause I would have had a few "words" for the coffee company and would have had my $30 back same day if you want me to call for you ... but just know you will never get coffee again in this town when I get through with them ..lol
Super big hugs and I miss your comments on my blog you always help find the yellow!
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