Happy Monday... blech... nasty spitting rain weather here in Sioux Falls SD USA
Rosie posted yesterday that the comments section of her blog would be turned off for the time being. I am not sure why, but heck, I told my husband that if even ONE person was mean to me in the comments on my blog, I would be a blubbering mess. I hope that she continues to blog
I really like to read what she has to say, and she inspires me to keep my own "therapy blog" active.. :)
- I bet people don't even realize sometimes that they are making a difference in someone else's life. I suppose that is why you should tell anyone that affects you, that they do.
I think my husband knows he does, and most of my family and closer friends, but I wanted to send a note out to anyone who reads this blog, and especially if they care to leave a commment, that I do read them, and I do take them to heart, and I really think that reading others' blogs and keeping my own going has been like therapy for me..
Like my husband says.. self-actualization ... the knowledge that you are not really that different from everyone else, that you are not a "special case" -- I think I have learned that more than anything else through this blog and reading others....
I mean.. Rosie O'donnell is living a totally different life than I am, but at the same time, when I read what she writes, I see a little bit of me in her writings every time.. and I see a LOT of me in some of them too :)
Some of the blogs I read/have read are by people that are old enough to be my mom, but still I relate to the day to day with them... aches pains, longings, hopes for self, hopes for family, hopes for the world and the future...
I started reading this person named Jessi's blog, and really got into how she thinks .. then one day her blog was gone.. it was as if for me at least, she didn't exist in a tangible form anymore.. but the thoughts that her writings provoked will be with me forever.. I can tell you that.
I guess this has gotten long, and rambling, but I really just wanted to say -- we really aren't that different from each other...
I also wanted to get this off of my chest... Call me naive, call me whatever, but I really dont get why anyone would go to Rosie's comments on her blog and say mean hurtful things, just to say them.. I mean, if you dont like her, fine, then post a comment with some meat to it, so that she knows how you feel about what she said.. then leave it at that.. but what kind of feelings do you have to have in your heart to take time out of your day, with the only purpose of that time being to purposefully hurt someone else.. - I mean, don't get my wrong, I can be just as cruel as the next guy .. I'm not saying that I'm anywhere near perfect, but GEESH .. to go out of your way to be hurtful. Just seems a little bit ridiculous to me... If you don't like Rosie O. Then don't stop in and read her blog.. or if you don't agree with the posts that you do read that she makes, then offer your opinion, and call it a day... man, people need not be as mean as possible on purpose... I can't speak for anyone but me.. and I don't even know if it bothers Rosie that much, or if she has become immune to it somehow.. but I know that that is not how *I* would like to be treated.. and I don't think it is how ANYONE *deserves* to be treated.... I'll get off the soapbox now, just had to get that nagging thought out there....
My religion is simple, my religion is kindness. --Dalai Llama
Angel Chasse (again)
Don't worry Angel,
Rosie posted new pictures and says stand by!
And I finished my post about the back thing.
It amazes me, that's twice you've caught me right in the middle of posting!
thank you for posting on my daughters blog...she was so bummed when she had no comments...when she read the ones she got, she came in and told me how all those people believed in her and that she was gonna keep writing...thank you for helping in that, she aspires to be an author one day...anyways thank you for your kindness
i don't think anyone really get 'immune' to hurtful comments... we have come so far as a civilized race...yet we still have so far to go...
I loved your posts on Rosie's blog. I'm bummed too that she turned off the comments. Seems people like Lemon Deb who posted really stupid stuff like "Hi Ro, I'm going to sleep now", and she posted like 5-10 times a day! It wasn't fair to us who posted something short and meaningful once. My friends and I think she is very selfish to hog up the comments section like she did. I think she's mentally ill, but she seems to know right from wrong. She wanted attention. I hope IF Rosie turns the comments back on, Lemon Deb will learn to show some class. Thanks for letting me rant, love your blog!
i second that!
You are a very nice girl - just the kind of daughter every mother would love to have.
you like what rosie says? try thinking for yourself. shes a very strange woman and doesnt always back up what she preaches. you can do better for your role model
Just great, now the Rosie haters are following us to our blogs. Don't feed the trolls Angel!
I miss the comments on Rosie's blog too, but I'm glad she's still posting.
I think many people feel a connection with her because she's always been more "one of us" than one of the hollywood types. Being able to comment on her blog postings is like having a discussion over cofee with a friend.
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