

I have been very lucky lately!

I sign up for lots of samples, and lately I have hit some mother loads :)

I got a new electric toothbrush, some whitening strips, some free photo prints, a free blood glucose monitor, lets see, free chocolate ;)

We went to "black friday" sales, but ended up at walmart for a baby chopper, baby crock pot, and baby george foreman grill thing. All cheap :) under 5 bucks :)

Now, looks like winter will finally be showing his face.. winter storm watch for the weekend. I guess making a date in another town with the hubby was just too much :) :)

Jim and I will have been married for 10 years on January 6th. Wow. It has flown by, but I know there were times where we both felt every second tick by on the clock :)

Marriage is... I don't know.. so many things, its trying, its rewarding, its comforting, at times infuriurating (sp), elegant, cozy,fulfilling,awe-inspiring,fun, exciting,new, jaw-dropping..... sure there are times when things are a bit mundane, or even rough, but the longer we are married, the more I just try to let those things fly by so that we can get back to the cuddle on the couch and enjoy a tv show or movie part :)

Sure, I dont do well at it sometimes, but I try :) It does help that I have an even-tempered, thoughtful, loving, compassionate, logical husband :)

It's a bit early, but Happy 10th Anniversary, My Love...

I guess I will end this one with that :)


Madrecita said...

Hey, congrats guys! You are two of the most wonderful people I know and I am so glad that there are many slivers of sunlight and happiness in your lives. I am excited to do some catching up with you both. Please tell me they still have Perkins???? :-) (it is me, your very far away friend)

Dr. Deb said...

WOW, I never knew you could get free samples like that!!!

Happy 10th Anniversary. My hubby and I will be married 20 years on January 3rd. (How funny how we both celebrate decade anniversaries in January)