
Welcome to Vermillion SD

Well, we did it.
We finally are done moving to the apartment in Vermillion.
Jim is all registered for fall classes.
We are getting to know the town.
What we know so far is that it is small and things are not always open late.
We also are having trouble finding our normal plethera of wi-fi hotspot options :)

The cable internet will be on June 15th though, and we can start to feel like we have a link to the outside world again. (seems strange how much we like to read and look up our news compared to waiting for it to come on television or *gasp* the morning newspaper) Oh, and the local paper is about 7 pages, and seems to be published weekly....

We are very much looking forward to our first "vacation" together. This July will be the first time that Jim and I have flown somewhere with only the intention of having fun together :):) woo hoo! Jim is also looking forward to fishing/camping excursions with his brother. I think that I will probably stay with a friend during those times, as I am a big downer on a campout.. (wheres the tv/internet/shower/stove/convienience store?) :)

So, just an update, we are now Vermillion South Dakota residents.... more later :)

Angel Chasse
June 4th 7pm


Dr. Deb said...

Just dropping in to say hi!

Becky said...

Jim and Angel are in Las Vegas, and I'm stuck at home working. :-( They are having fun though. :-)