
Snow Snow Snow

I have to say, I am a fan of winter, so I am happy that it is snowing.. but it's weird... I like the snow, I like to look at it, and I like to see it, but I don't like to drive in it. How does that work? LOL - Good thing Jim doesn't really mind it much.
The car that our friend Tim gave us is working great. I really think he should me moved to Saint for giving us that car :) He said it never started in the winter, and that remains to be seen, but so far, you just have to crank it over and give it a bit of gas *its fuel injected, so he probably didnt do that when he had it, you shouldn't have to* anyway, its been working out VERY well. Finally got rid of the van, and someone even gave us a couple dollars AND towed that baby away ;) woo hoo..

Making a big pot of chili tonight. We make it simply, and with beans :) But it will be just the right thing for the chilly night (punny) -- I see that Rosie's blog says that her Christmas store will be up and runnning soon. Maybe I can con Jim into buying me something from there :) - I remember a while ago she said that she had mousepads and shirts that said Go Blog Urself :) FUNNY..

I have been noticing that I use ... (elipses) a lot. But I only usually type two of the dots, and it is supposed to be three. I also noticed that I am losing some of my knowledge from HS and stuff. I know if you don't use it you lose it, but it has been shocking to me just how much I don't use it, and how much I am losing.. urgh.

I also read on the web ( I think, or maybe Jim told me) that people have their blogs published as books ;) LOL @ that. I don't think I will ever be doing that, but I know that Lu's blog would make a good book :)
I have been wondering though if there was an easier, one step way to print all the posts of your blog.. so far I dont think so. I guess you'd have to just go into each entry and print them. I would probably like to have a copy of mine, just to keep in a binder, and look back and read to see how I was, and how I am now.. LOL - that sounds funny.. reading back to see how you were :)

Angel Chasse (again)


Lu said...

ok first of all ...thanks for the compliment...you are too sweet!!!

and i also do the ellipses thing...not sure why...but i cant seem to stop hehe

as for the snow...i dont like it at all...especially when it gets all dirty and slushy....yuck!

there is a way to download all of your posts...but it isnt exactly the easiest thing i have ever done...let me know if you want the instructions and i will email them to ya!

Anonymous said...

Lu: Can you post those directions here? Or a link to where they are? I would love to be able to do that for my blogs!! I didn't know you could....

Cindy said...


I used to love the snow. I'd be the first one to cheer for snow and drive in it all the time. My mom said I should have been a mailman! That was then, now I hate the thought of snow because it forces me to be confined to the house unless there is someone to go with me. I try not to put myself in situations that would be difficult for me to get out of, and there's the constant fear of falling down!

Dr. Deb said...

Alot of people feel the same way- Love how pretty it looks, love the feeling they get, the cold and cozy things and all...but get unnerved driving in it!
