Jim made a page for updates while I was down in Louisiana.
I am home early. I have a "bit of Salmonella poisoning".. so says the Dr that saw me in Louisiana. He sent me home with a "stomach virus" then got blood work back the next day and called me. I am really bummed that I had to leave the Red Cross early, but I am glad that with salmonella, it is only me that is sick, and I didn't/couldn't spread it to the residents of our shelter.
I am working on a word document that tells a little about what I did when I was down there, and what I thought of the experience.. overall it was WONDERFUL. I wish I wasn't sick now of course, and some things that happened down there were not the greatest, but I will tell you all about it after I have regained my wits and energy a bit.
Please, if you pray, or what ever you might do in lieu of that, the people down in Louisiana and the Gulf Coast could use it. Many of them were poor to begin with, and now they have the clothes on their back....
Take care :)
More later
Angel Chasse (again)
I read every update that your hubby Jim posted on your other blog. I was so eager to learn about your experience. I was sorry to hear that you got ill, but it makes sense to have sent you home. Containing illness is the best way to prevent further contagion. I couldn't believe that the recovery and help efforts were so poorly run. Your generousity and spirit, I'm sure, was felt by all you met. Can't wait to hear more. Til then, take care, Angel.
i cant wait to read about your experience angel...
sorry to hear about the samonella (not sure if i spelled that right)...i hope feel better soon!
welcome back!
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