
Everyone has to die sometime.....

That is what I keep hearing from most male people I know. Weird, it's been the males, not that they don't have emotions or anything, but so far I have only heard it from them. My mom got the call Saturday that her best friend Deb doesn't have long. The cancer is everywhere, and she doesn't want to eat or drink. I think they are medicating her to keep her more comfortable.. My mom and I will go and see her tomorrow. I want to go, both to see her and to support my mom. I don't want to go because she knows she is dying, and we know she is dying, and well, that sucks for me. I know.. me me me -- it's not about me, and I know that, but I am just afraid I will say the wrong thing, and not even be any use to my mom. I really love my mom and I hate that her new thought is that after Deb is gone, she does not want to ever have a close friend again, she only wants to have casual friends... so as not to get attached. I wonder if that is the right way to go. Then again, I am sure that the majority of my mental problems have to do with the fact that I get too emotional..too attached.. take things too personally. So, then is is really a bad plan? And just because my mom is getting older (though she is only 45) - should she/will she ever be ok with the people around her dying? Wow.. I don't think I will ever be ok with it. I don't know. I am a bit confused about how people can just say " Everyone has to die sometime, and you just need to get used to that idea" - Seems crude, and a bit cold to me. But really, is that just the way it is and I need to learn to deal with it? I don't think it ever gets easier though, I have a hard time believing that one.

Angel Chasse (again)


Cindy said...

Lemon Deb,
Go and say goodbye. Nothing you say will be wrong if you speak from the heart. If she knows she is dying, then treat this visit like it will be the last time you see her. Say what you need to! It will be fine.

Senseless said...

That's not the thing you want to get used to.

Trust me on that one, but it is a fact that we all die.

pawzz said...

Id be scared I start blubbering...I hate goodbyes...of any kind. my oppinion is that
~IF u need closure with that person...go.
~IF ur mom will need u....go.
~IF u dont feel either then...dont go

Later ~ =^..^=

pawzz said...

Question....on my blog..i have flickr's badge....i want a stream but i cant find how to do it....could u maybe help me?