
Rosie and Rachael

I love watching Rachael Ray cook - she is so bubbly, she looks very happy. I don't know her so I dont know if it is real or not, but I really think she can't fake that - don't know .. she does "inside dish" - I think that Rosie O'donnell and her kids and wife would be great on that show :) Yellow and Yellow :)

I can't find my true yellow. I thought I had it when I was a kid, but then - nope.. now I can't see it .. feels like I might be colorblind. Not even sure if I could recognize my yellow if I had it right here, right now - I don't know.. I am going to work on it though..

I watched Whoopi's Back to Broadway.. makes you think.. I am a lot like Whoopi in my thoughts.. The Bible... how litereally is is supposed to be taken? -- if the world was created only 2000 years ago, how did some of this stuff get here? And how do they explain it? And, I really think the Bible is full of parables, stories, written by smart men at the the time.. to keep us from lawlessness, to keep people caring about right and wrong.. if no one believed in god.. if they didn't believe in heaven or hell.. what would anyone do the right thing for? I think they wrote the bible to give people hope and guidance at that time.. It does have relavence today, but I dont know how literal it is anymore....
Many will disagree I am sure, but it is how I feel.. I also support our troops around the world with my whole heart.. but I am PISSED at baby bush for making them go.. making them fight his made up war.. making their mothers get that call "your son has been lost" ALL FOR WHAT???
Very controversial post I suppose.. but it is MY blog, and MY thoughts... a little tiny bit of my yellow I suppose.... although.. I dont know what I want to be when I grow up

I do know that I want to love other people... all shapes, sizes, ethnicity, income, education,age,interests, opinions.... I want to listen to what others have to say, and consider it, and then decide what is right for ME - It is not for ME to judge.... and I dont think it is for YOU to judge either.. just my opinion..... love is love, no matter who.. and a mommy is a mommy.. no matter how... Ok, enough out of me for now....

Angel Chasse


Cindy said...

Way to go Angel! I found my way back to your blog. I just noticed that you are from SD. Pretty cool, I lived in Rapid City for 3 years back in the 80's. I loved it.

Angel Chasse said...

Hey Cindy :) I love Sioux Falls where I live, but soon we are moving to Sioux City Iowa.. I am not crazy about that town, but hubby needs to go there for college, so I will adjust :) Rapid City really is the most beautiful part of SD :):) Thanks for reading my blog :) I am really getting to love this "blogging" thing :):)
Take care
Angel Chasse

Cindy said...

This blogging thing...........I started one today. Not sure what I want to say yet, but it will come to me eventually.

Cindy said...

Thank you my new friend. You may be the only one to see his picture.

Playground In My Mind said...

Hi Angel. I saw your comment on Rosie's blog and came to check out yours. Nice. I enjoyed reading it. I wonder about the bible, too. It isn't literal. Most of it was written 50 years after Jesus died. Very interesting blog. Hugs, Renee