
Camping and mars :-)

So this holiday weekend, we decided to go camping. You can see our camp setup at the left there. There is a small county park only about 5 miles from where we live, which is great with gas prices the way they are..and the park has a great trail for walking/riding bikes, and has a bathroom with a shower (with hot water no less) -- so for 6 dollars a night, it is a GREAT entertainment value!!

We had a great time camping, but we left after one night because we bought "sleeping mats" that are supposed to make it, well, less like you are sleeping on the ground, and more like you might want to ever sleep like that again :) haha.. we did not find them comfortable at all, so.. we had a great time, had a big campfire, and a great night of being out in nature and now we are back home.

One good thing about coming home on Sunday instead of Monday was that Jim got to track the Mars Lander on nasa.gov and got to see right away that it made a successful landing and is now sending back pictures!!! Pretty exciting.

Oh, and going back to the night before the camping and two nights before the Mars Lander, our friend Becky came over, and while on our way to eat, we were rear-ended. She has some pain in her back, which hopefully will clear up soon, but her car isn't going to heal very easily.. so, hopefully that is the last accident any of us will be in for a very long time!!!!

Eventful weekend, but more good than bad, Becky was able to come down and bbq with us, so we all had fun doing that too :)


What have I been doing?

Not a lot. Really, not a lot :)

I am super excited that Jimbo was granted summer work/study, so he doesn't have to find a McJob in the McHeat of summer :) He will be in the air conditioning thank goodness.

We have been riding our bikes almost every day, and most days 4 miles or more, up to about 11 miles for me, and about 20 miles for Jimbo. I hope that all of this exercising and trying to eat better pays off for me soon, but I am glad to report that it is working gangbusters for Jimbo! Down nearly 30 pounds! WOO HOO!!

I notice that we notice the weather more now that we use our bicycles... wind plays a role big time in me wanting to ride vs not wanting to ride! Jim will ride no matter what, but I am more picky :)

We planted 4 bel pepper plants out front of our apartment in a big pot, so I hope that I have a thumb at least green enough to have them make fruit :) :) With bell peppers here costing 88 cents each, it would be great to buy a plant for 1.50 that will bear 10 fruits over the summer season :) :) If this goes well, we will get a community garden plot next summer!! We live with in a half mile of the plots, so we could ride our bikes everyday to check the progress of our plants. :)

In other news, it is Mother's Day tomorrow. I sometimes have a hard time with this holiday as I am not a Mother, and I wish more than anything that I was. I tried to focus my energies this year on smothering my own Mom with cards etc, and friends that I know that are great Moms as well... but it is still a day of a bit of sadness for me. And a day of sadness for a great friend of mine that just very recently lost her own Mother. So I always try to keep in mind to say a special prayer for those that are a little bit unhappy on this particular holiday. But.....A salute to all of you that I know that are Mothers! It truly is the toughest job in the world, and it is the one that probably comes with the least amount of credit :) Thanks! I know that I have a WONDERFUL Mom, and I wish that all others could have one so great!

So, to sum up... haha.. not that I ramble... Jim got work study so he will be busy working at the school in the gym this summer... we hope to get a paddle boat to take on a nearby lake.. I will be turning 30 this August... let me see.. have I forgotten anything? Oh, we hope to hit up lots of garage sales for great deals on things we didn't even know we needed :) :)

If you read this post, then a red tulip is yours :)
