
The New Member Of Our Family

Announcing, 8 week old, Lizzie!

She is our new kitten. I didnt want a kitten when the opportunity first came up. Jim really did want a kitten. He won. We all won. She is a great little kitten. She has, I think, far too much energy for our family, but that is a good thing I am sure :)

The one thing that she does that needs to STOP is that when I am in the kitchen, and she doesn't have a way up onto the counters, she will crawl up ME to get on the counter... when I have my jeans on, just mildly irritating.... but when I have my pj's on, and she climbs up my bare leg... NOT SO GOOD! (read: OUCH)

Leo (our big cat) loves her, but I think that I am going to have a heart attack seeing them "play" together. It is crazy... he licks her, then cleans her, then fights with her, then bites her, and she yelps, and I freak out, and take her away from him. She then goes BACK over there!!!! Driving me insane.. I want to protect her, since she is so tiny.. but obviously, she is fine.. and *I* need to learn that :)

Cats as lessons for life.... someone should write a book... or someone probably already has.

In other news, I am SO excited. We have shut off the A/C and opened up all the windows! I even had to shut some because it became too chilly in the apartment! WOO HOO that is my kind of problem :):):)

Angel Chasse (again)
Sept 19th 2006 10:30 AM


September 11th 2006

I wanted to honor those that lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks
I don't really have any eloquent words, just.. "you have not been forgotten in my heart, or in the hearts of the people of the world"

Five years ago, it seems surreal....

Angel Chasse (again)