
August 29th 11 am


Once again, here I am saying I haven't blogged much... lol.. ok.. passing that up now...

We went to the Omaha Zoo. It was a great time, and I always love the aquarium that you can walk through/under. We had a wonderful time in Omaha. We fell in love with that city and its "old market district" - then we moved there, had financial woes, and ended up back here in Sioux City. Someday, with better jobs, and more financial security under our belts, we may find ourselves there again :) We still love it after all this time :)

Jim is back at school. Biology and lab, environmental science and lab, algebra, and american cinema... quite a full plate, and all classes I am not sure I would handle well :) Good thing he is the brains :)

My brother is still staying with us, and is going to WIT with Jim. This is his first time in college and so far I think he likes it :)

New insurance and new drs start this month. Wish me luck.

One of my friends, who happens to be an online friend is getting married Sept 5th. I am very excited for her, and a little sad that I can't be there to share her magic. It is GOOD that I am not going though, cuz I cried through my entire ceremony, and I am sure I wiould cry through hers as well :)

Another friend, again an online friend :) DR DEB :) has great news.... she has found a literary agent for a book she has penned.... :) GO DR DEB :)

Not a lot else going on around here.. just re-adjusting to the "school" routine, and schedules and such. I read today that the Farmer's Almanac says we are in for a bitterly cold, very snowy winter here in the plains..... we shall see about that one... other than a cold snap or freak snowstorm here or there, the last 5 winters have not been like SD or Iowa winters to me at ALL... we shall see...

Today is one year post-Katrina. Seems surreal to me that at this time last year we were glued (I was glued) to CNN and FoxNews and anticipating the flood of Katrina's wrath... Sept 3rd is when I left for Louisiana. Sometimes the sad faces from there haunt me, but most of the time, I remember how NICE, and HELPFUL, and THANKFUL, and GIVING, and CARING the people we sheltered were to us. All they were going through, and they were still great to us. I try to focus on that, and not some of the ick bad stuff that happened...

Ok, I will update more later :) Enjoy the day!

Angel (again)