
List of sites I visit...

Thursday March 30th 2006 1:23 PM

I wasn't sure what to blog about, but I knew I wanted to blog... so I am posting a list of sites that I visit regularly, and I am asking that anyone who reads this (all 1 of you) LOL -- Suggest more interesting places to spend my time on the net.. :)

www.keloland.com -- Sioux Falls, SD News Site
www.usbank.com -- My Bank
www.rosie.com -- Rosie's Blog.. *SHE* always has something to say..
www.noaa.gov -- Good weather site
www.gmail.com -- Email of Course
www.justlu.com -- Lu's Blog.. check it out
http://drdeborahserani.blogspot.com/ -- Dr Deb's Blog.. check this one out too!
www.crossroads-community.net -- My brother in law's church website..
www.tvguide.com/listings -- boring I know ;)
www.ebay.com -- Ebay of course
www.marthastewart.com -- Queen of all things household-ish
www.realsimple.com -- Great all around site for tips
http://www.greyswriters.com/ -- If you enjoy Grey's...read this blog :)

Other than those, and the websites I use to pay my bills online (cable co, phone co, electric co, etc..) I don't have much ;) I have usually a bbs chat open, msn messenger, yahoo messenger sometimes, and google talk (cuz it is the only one Jim and Tim will use) lol -- boring time on the net, I need to start doing some other stuf online ;)... I did log in through my library card access to take the 3 sections of the US Citizenship exam though (or a practice test of it) -- I was quite ashamed that I only answered 75% of the questions right. That would give me what? a C? SAD SAD SAD... I am waiting for Immigration to come and deport me now... LOL ..

Rainy spring day here.. and HUMID already :( - Not a pleasant sign of things to come.. and EVERYONE makes fun of me for liking fall and winter best... I hate being hot, and I hate the humidity... it is soooooo much easier to put clothes and blankets ON to get warmer.. but, in the summertime, its not like it is EASY to naturally cool yourself.. we have to have AIR CONDITIONING.. ick...
Ok, enough out of me for today ;)

Angel Chasse (again)


Most Life Changing Event.....


So... I got an abnormal psychology book. Jim is taking the class, and knew I had an interest in the field, so he got me a book, and I have been following along, and taking practice tests etc. We are looking at how stress or life events causing stress can affect your physical health.

So there was this inventory put together. Life Stress Units or something like that. Anyway, it asks you to rank some "bad things" that could happen to you, in order of how devastating or life changing they would be. In many cases, many cultures, the #1 thing that could happen was death of a spouse. I was thinking to myself as we were reading...yah, that sounds about right to me....

Jim stopped reading, and we discussed... He doesn't think that would be the worst. He thinks that losing his own sight, or a limb, something that was debilitating in his own health or life would be the worst. I get where he is coming from. It would absolutely affect ya. Whereas your spouse dying might not affect some as much as it would me.

That got me thinking about how different the world is for each and every person in it. I mean, not just the physical, like tall, short, fat, skinny... I mean like, we all live in the same world, but we all see it so differently. I personally have a lot of views that are considered "liberal" I suppose, but everyone is so different.

Not sure exactly what I had to add to this discussion, just really thought about how how you view the world really affects how you live, and probably how long you live, and how well you live.. I know, elemetary dear watson.. but... sometimes when Jim and I are talking, and he expresses an opinion or a thought that is WAY different than I would see it, it dawns on me how different people can really be... and shocks me to know that I am married to someone so different than me, and for the most part, it works out just great...... weird eh? See why I don't blog EVERYTHING that I think about? LOL

In other news, I wish that I had learned to sew when I was younger.. now I don't really have the patience or coordination for it... but my cousin (who is 15) is making a quilt.. a really cool one.. wish I could do that, but alas, I would end up all flustered and mad, so I will just pay her to make me one :) LOL

I am also making a calendar in my outlook to remind me of people's bday, so I can be sure to send a special note, or Ecard... if you want to send me your bday info so I can include ya, my email is mciangel@gmail.com

That's all for today.... ;)

Angel Chasse (again)


Cheap Healthcare... (has a price)

So, I have had some pain in my chest since about the 10th or so. Constantly there, sometimes gets the sharpness about it.. so.. I waited for it go away.. and it hasn't.. went to the community health place on Monday. SCARY PLACE!!!

The people there... scared me some of them. Now, don't get me wrong, I know that those people were probably sick, and grouchy, and needed help. But geesh, some of those folks were rude, mean, and just.. I don't know.. thoughtless maybe?

That got me, and my dear husband (tm) LOL j/k.... thinking. It got us thinking that it really sucks to not have health insurance. Now, I get disability... but that check is more than a household of 2 can make in this state and qualify for health insurance. So, basically, I was approved to stay home from work, until I get treatment that works and calms the voices, paranoia, panic, nightmares, etc etc... but... because I make over the dollar limit to qualify for health care with my state.. I don't have the means to get treated for these problems...

I know, I know, there are places, there are forms, there are this and that.. the fact that my husband is in college (so that he can make a wage that will support us both if need be in the future) that is a problem as well. We can't get on a subsidized housing list because he is able bodied, and should be working instead of going to school (according to them) -- so.. I get that there are rules, and life is hard, and all of those things.. but I am feeling like... ROCK --- Meet HARDPLACE

So, I pay my rent, utilities, phone, (internet, luxury item there), car insurance, food, necessities, old student loan of mine being garnished... and.. low and behold there is not 383 dollars left over for my to take out my own health insurance plan... WOW... I am not sure what to do. I find myself getting excedingly upset over this, and freaking out about it, but at the same time, I just get angry. If I hadn't let myself feel all of these things, and had just "powered on" and kept working and living the way I was before, we would be doing fine, and I wouldnt have these problems, because I would have a job, that paid the bills, and for health insurance.. URGH.... I think this is just a rant, but I guess I wanted to say that I am scared really to go to the community health place, cuz I am scared that I might catch something really bad there, or that one of those angry patients might just loose it and whip out their gun or something.. but I digress... Jim went with me both times, and I feel much safer with him there... all of this, and my first appt will cost me 52 bucks and the second one the same, and then the test at the heart speciality place will be TONS of money (payment plan for a lifetime) lol -- Ok.. Now I am just rambling on. All this to find out that my heart is really probably 100% fine, and that I should have just sucked it up and waited longer.

Going to the Dr always sucks, but this new stuff.. without insurance.. it sucks so bad a person could get a complex I think.....

A side note.... Lu, keep thinking, and believing that everything will be ok. That is really the best advice I can give ya. Hard and sucky advice it may be, but the best I can do... *hugs* Praying for ya, and sending you the best thoughts...

Angel Chasse (again)


Why? Why? Why?

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why do some people cling to and need religion and to be a part of a church, and others do fine without it, or with worshiping in their own private way?

Why do really good things happen to people that don't work for them, and then nothing happens, or bad things happen to people who work hard and live right?

Why do some people insist on pushing their ideas/values/morals/beliefs/expectations on you when you do not do the same thing to them?

Why does the world produce significantly more food than is needed to feed all humans, but we have starving people even here in the US.. one of the world's richest coutries?

Why is religion so fanatical? I mean, people really take it to extremes...

Why can't I decide with 100% certainty what I believe in. I am 27 years old!!!!

Why is mental illness called an illness if it does not make you ill, and if many folks think you should "walk it off" or "just get over it" - why don't they just call it the "you're lazy, emotional, weak, and incorrigible?

Why should I have the right to tell another woman what is right for her circumstances, what is right for her body, and why should I tell her to keep a baby that she doesn't want?

Politically charged, biased, controversial, whatever you think it is.. some questions that I had...

And... why don't people who do good things, and who are good people with good hearts prosper... yet others do..... urgh

Enough for this evening, I'm sure...

Angel Chasse (again)
PS. I saw "Walk The Line" -- I liked it -- it is the only oscar nominated film I saw :) Way to go Reese Witherspoon, congrats on the Oscar!


Blog Blog Blog

What is new with me?

We aren't having much of a winter. My Mom still managed to get bronchitis though. Glad she went to the Dr, and got some meds.

Jim is out on spring break.. woo hoo.. he's trying to decide whether he wants to stay with computer science (lotsamath) or go into psychology. We will see how that turns out....

How come I can't make spaghetti without ruining a shirt (or two) -- BUY AN APRON -- I should buy an apron!!!!! On the other hand, the spaghetti was very good. We like it SPICY SPICY!!

I try to be a calm rational person, it does NOT happen. It is so odd.. the thing we really want, is the thing we can't have sometimes... well, not odd so much as infuriating.

I am glad that Dr Deb is getting published big time, she is very smart if you ask me. She seems to know the things that are important to us :)

Has anyone tried Carmel Apple Microwavable popcorn? It looks good :)

Why am I me, why am I not the me I wish I would be? -- That is what I am going to think about this week.

Angel Chasse (again)