
New Cousins!!

Happy Holidays to ME :)

On November 19th at 6:28 AM I helped to welcome my cousin's baby... Khia Angel Lee (Last name here) .. sorry, didn't want to put the last name on here.. baby privacy rights :) :)

She was a small baby, but both mommy and baby are doing extremely well. I am very excited to have this new cousin, and my cousin Ashley and I were very close when she was younger... *I changed her diapers, the whole thing* .. I am very happy for her, and very proud of her :) She has a tough road ahead, being as young as she is, but she is very intelligent, and has all the love this baby will ever need.

Blake Alexander (Last name here) has arrived.
November 27, 2006 at 9:31 pm
He weighted 8lbs 9.5 oz and is 21 inches long.

So I was doubl-y blessed. Two of my cousins had babies born within a week or so :)
I have not met little Mr Blake yet, as they live in Ohio, but I hope to sometime soon here in 2007..... Congratulations and my love all around :):)

What else has been taking up my time? Not a whole lot. I have really been trying to get out and about more, and back to driving myself and Jim places, because I have been a passenger for far too long, and need to get back into the swing of a little more independence... **Jim and I are fine by the way** just trying to get back to where I was before all of this turmoil happened in my mind and heart... So I am working on that :)

Leo and Lizzie (otherwise known as the cats) are doing well... Lizzie has gotten a nickname of "shredder" by Jimbo... she really really really likes toilet paper, and basically any paper products :)

Sadly, on that note, we do need to find new homes for Leo and Lizzie when we move to Vermillion for Jim to attend USD in June. I don't think this will be a problem, except in our hearts.. we already have leads on a place for them.. our neighbors' boss keeps a machine shop, and its heated and cooled, and they always want a few cats around just to hang out there, and for good downtime :) so we will see...

I am very very excited about moving to Vermillion.. that campus is huge, and I really think that Jim will thrive there. I can't wait to see how the classes compare though, because I have heard that changing from a tech school to a university usually means tougher classes, and more study necessary... Jim can do it though.. he is a tough cookie, and when he has his mind set on something.. he doesn't let it fail... I might even take a class or two, we will see (after I see how hard they are on jim lol)

Hopefully, the move to the small (read:cramped) dorm efficiency will free up more spending money for Jim and I, so we can do more 1 and two day vacation excursions to places like Omaha and Sioux Falls. It is always nice to have a little more "fun money" so we are looking forward to that :) :) Having cable, internet, phone, and electric included in low rent rates is a BONUS :):):)

It is bitter cold here today...did I mention that? If I didn't... it was prolly cuz I am trying to mentally block the memory of it :) -- I do enjoy the snowiness of winter, but the bitter cold with wind, I could do without... and Jim has a rough cold going on right now, so that doesn't help him at ALL....

Ok, that is probably enough for right now... Enjoy the holiday festivity, and hopefully the closeness it will bring with friends and family :) Remember to be thankful for things as well :):) :)

Angel Chasse (again)
November 29th 930pm


Why I haven't Posted

I am not sure why I haven't posted in well over a month.
I'm not that busy, though for the last 2 weeks I have been battling a cold and bronchitis..so that is yuck-o.
We went on a campus visit at USD in Vermillion, and Jim really liked it, as did I (can you say 3 coffee shops ON CAMPUS??)
We are both looking forward to moving there this June. We will be saying in family dorm housing (read:tiny) its basically one room is living/kitchenette and one room for bedroom and a tiny bathroom. I guess it is better than when I was looking at freshman dorms at a couple of colleges and the entire floor shared a big bathroom :)

The new kitten (Lizzie) is doing well. We are babysitting my mom and dad's dog while they are on vacation, and Lizzie is scared of the dog(bailey) -- so we will see how this week will turn out ;) lol

I've gotten so much sleep, and drank so much water in the last week. Holy cats.. I should be the picture of health :) lol

My brother's friend Ryan (a friend of the family really, actually) -- came back safely last Saturday from 16 months in Iraq. I am very thankful that he came home safe. On a leave last spring, where he was home for 3 or 4 days, the guy who does the job he usually does in his group was killed. Very sad. Again, we were thankful that Ryan was home safe, but to have to attend a friend's funeral while on leave is not good at all. So, welcome home Ryan, and here's hoping that your adjustment back to day to day civilian life is not too rocky... *hugs*

My brother was staying with us since June, and he moved out the first week of October. It is always nice to be able to help family out when they need it, but nice to see them move on and go back to just being Jim and I as well. So... that is about all that is new around here....

Also, I am not sure if I blogged about this yet, but my cousin is pregnant. I was there the day that she was born, and babysat her all the time... she feels more like a niece to me than a cousin. Anyway, she is 16 years old.... so, it will be a very rough start I am sure. We are all trying to be supportive, and I look forward to taking care of the baby if she'd like after she is born... I think that she has decided the name will be Makayla Angel Lee (lastname here) -- I was honored that she wanted the baby to have my name as her middle name. As I am sure anyone knows, Jim and I would love to have a child, but it looks as if it won't happen. It was very sweet of her to think of me, and to think that I am a person that she would like to turn to for help and advice with the baby. *warm fuzzies* She is due mid December. So far, everything looks to be well with the baby, and she kicks a lot, which should be a great sign...

Ok, enough blog blog blogging for me today. I hope to start working on our website again soon... www.jimandangel.com -- it isn't up and running (it might be, with an old version) -- but.. I intend to work on it as the nights and dark get long...

Take care all

Angel Chasse (again)
October 27th 2006 630PM


The New Member Of Our Family

Announcing, 8 week old, Lizzie!

She is our new kitten. I didnt want a kitten when the opportunity first came up. Jim really did want a kitten. He won. We all won. She is a great little kitten. She has, I think, far too much energy for our family, but that is a good thing I am sure :)

The one thing that she does that needs to STOP is that when I am in the kitchen, and she doesn't have a way up onto the counters, she will crawl up ME to get on the counter... when I have my jeans on, just mildly irritating.... but when I have my pj's on, and she climbs up my bare leg... NOT SO GOOD! (read: OUCH)

Leo (our big cat) loves her, but I think that I am going to have a heart attack seeing them "play" together. It is crazy... he licks her, then cleans her, then fights with her, then bites her, and she yelps, and I freak out, and take her away from him. She then goes BACK over there!!!! Driving me insane.. I want to protect her, since she is so tiny.. but obviously, she is fine.. and *I* need to learn that :)

Cats as lessons for life.... someone should write a book... or someone probably already has.

In other news, I am SO excited. We have shut off the A/C and opened up all the windows! I even had to shut some because it became too chilly in the apartment! WOO HOO that is my kind of problem :):):)

Angel Chasse (again)
Sept 19th 2006 10:30 AM


September 11th 2006

I wanted to honor those that lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks
I don't really have any eloquent words, just.. "you have not been forgotten in my heart, or in the hearts of the people of the world"

Five years ago, it seems surreal....

Angel Chasse (again)


August 29th 11 am


Once again, here I am saying I haven't blogged much... lol.. ok.. passing that up now...

We went to the Omaha Zoo. It was a great time, and I always love the aquarium that you can walk through/under. We had a wonderful time in Omaha. We fell in love with that city and its "old market district" - then we moved there, had financial woes, and ended up back here in Sioux City. Someday, with better jobs, and more financial security under our belts, we may find ourselves there again :) We still love it after all this time :)

Jim is back at school. Biology and lab, environmental science and lab, algebra, and american cinema... quite a full plate, and all classes I am not sure I would handle well :) Good thing he is the brains :)

My brother is still staying with us, and is going to WIT with Jim. This is his first time in college and so far I think he likes it :)

New insurance and new drs start this month. Wish me luck.

One of my friends, who happens to be an online friend is getting married Sept 5th. I am very excited for her, and a little sad that I can't be there to share her magic. It is GOOD that I am not going though, cuz I cried through my entire ceremony, and I am sure I wiould cry through hers as well :)

Another friend, again an online friend :) DR DEB :) has great news.... she has found a literary agent for a book she has penned.... :) GO DR DEB :)

Not a lot else going on around here.. just re-adjusting to the "school" routine, and schedules and such. I read today that the Farmer's Almanac says we are in for a bitterly cold, very snowy winter here in the plains..... we shall see about that one... other than a cold snap or freak snowstorm here or there, the last 5 winters have not been like SD or Iowa winters to me at ALL... we shall see...

Today is one year post-Katrina. Seems surreal to me that at this time last year we were glued (I was glued) to CNN and FoxNews and anticipating the flood of Katrina's wrath... Sept 3rd is when I left for Louisiana. Sometimes the sad faces from there haunt me, but most of the time, I remember how NICE, and HELPFUL, and THANKFUL, and GIVING, and CARING the people we sheltered were to us. All they were going through, and they were still great to us. I try to focus on that, and not some of the ick bad stuff that happened...

Ok, I will update more later :) Enjoy the day!

Angel (again)


My 28th Birthday.... and stuff

First off, Hi Dr Deb.... I'm keeping fudgy brownies and ice cold milk at all times in my blog lobby, for your visits :) Help yourself please :)

Ok, now... My husband...

He got me a very nice, very very nice birthday present. A 5 megapixel digital camera! Now, I am no photographer...but I need to become one. This thing does Sepia pictures, shots where you take a picture of a background, then of a person in front that same background, and it will impose it on there for you... yadda yadda, its a GREAT camera..

I should have taken over to my parent's house when my sister brought my niece down to celebrate her 1st birthday. But, I just got it that day, and it needed to charge.. so... I will flickr some of the "first cake" pictures soon :)

I hate to say it, but almost better than the camera, was that I was under the impression that the flat panel monitor we got was my birthday present, and I thought (still think) it is great... but no, Jim said that I deserved to have a non "household" item that was just for me... that was cool :) And, the ultra mushy, made me cry card that went with it was probably the best of all of it. So, surprise, great card, camera, mug with teddy bear in it.... what can get better than that right? WELL, its not even my birthday, so it was EARLY :):):)

Now, I will admit that there have been plenty of years that Jim and I couldn't, for whatever reason, buy each other lavish gifts for our birthdays, but sometimes, it really is nice to get something that you have been wanting, but something that semed a little out of your reach :) THANKS JIM :):):)

But, on a different note, I will be 28 on my birthday, August 4th. I am a bit upset, because in my plans in my head, I would have had one (or two) children that were like, probably 5 to 8 years old.... well folks, that just did not happen. The more and more that I obsess over this topic, the more and more I have settled with the fact that I really need to just accept the fact that I will not be giving birth to or having children, and enjoy life as it is right now. I know, I know.. it could happen, we could adopt...all of those things.. but really, sometimes I think it is better to just accept the cold hard facts, and find a way to move on from it. Well, I am not a success story like that yet, but I am working on it. I will let ya know how it turns out (not sure who the ya is that I referenced there) LOL

In other news, my sister did come down this past Friday, and things were very nice. Visiting with her was great. I know that she was holding her tongue at times, but I hope that the experience was nice for her as well.

One of my best friends had her 2nd child, and her son shares now a birthday with my niece :) I thought that was very spiffy...

Let's see.. what else? Oh not much. Looking for a used car, as ours is about shot.. not fun to do, not fun for me anyway... :) Looking at new cars that you can't afford... now THAT can take hours and hours away from your day ;) :):)

Thanks for reading :)

Angel (again)


3000 Visits!!!

My blog counter says I have had 3000 visits to this blog :) -- I am not sure how many of those visits were ME :) but... anyway.. I feel good about people wanting to hear what I have to say... Hrmmm.. that is probably not good... I'll have to look it up *kidding*

It was soooooooooo hot this past week here. One window air conditioner did not do it with the humidity and such. It got to be 80 in here with AC on. BUT... we borrowed a second one, and now it is a coooooool house I live in :)

Let's see, what else is new? Jim is still working the summer job. He works mostly 3pm to 11pm so that leaves me a lot of spare time :( but.. it is not tough, it's air conditioned there.. so not bad. He does have my birthday off (August 4th I will be 28) -- so... we will do something, not sure what, but something. I already got my birthday present early though. A 17" flat panel monitor for our computer. I am pretty excited about getting that, does that make me a geek? :):):)

I tried some tooth whitening gel on my teeth. I don't think it worked very well, but it was worth the try.

My brother is staying at our house. He needed a place to crash. I fear for him that we are just enabling his irresponsibility. He is a person with great intentions.. but rarely follows through. I am not one to talk. I am not perfect. I know this. But, I can honestly say that I try to treat people well. Sam (my brother) sometimes really only thinks of himself. And, he looks out for #1.. even if it means ripping a friend, or relative, or MOM off. I hope that this changes in him soon. I do feel like I should let him stay here, because I don't want him to live on the "street" but....... wow.. sometimes it is hard to try to help someone out.... but anyway... I chose to invite him in, so I will deal. I just hope that he doesn't drive me, AND my hubby to drink .... KIDDING :)

Another hot day tomorrow. 101 degrees and humid. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! NOT

Stay cool guys :) If you read all of this, you deserve a brownie and a big cold glass of milk :) :) :)

Angel Chasse (again)
July 18th 2006 627PM


Why Haven't I Blogged'?

Why haven't I blogged lately?

I am not sure...
It's not cuz I haven't had time.
It's not cuz I haven't had anything to say.
It's not cuz I haven't WANTED to blog....
I fear it is because I have not had anything nice or positive to say lately, so I have been trying not to turn this into my bitchy blog.

I have been sad. I have been cranky, I have been busy trying to quiet the voices in my head. I have been worrying. I have been obsessing. EWWWWW!

So, August 1st I will be setting up seeing a new Dr. - I hope that there is help out there. It feels like I have been on every pill, done every treatment, prayed every prayer. I can't seem to keep myself feeling better. I am weak, and when the least little thing goes wrong, it seems to push me down so much I can't get back up.

I *know* that it can get better ...blahblahblah

But what I don't know, is how people do it... how they keep going when they don't want to. When they feel sad and confused day in and day out, and that makes them cranky and irritable, and a pain in the neck for everyone around them?

It seems that I am annoyed... hurt... sad... upset...angry... one of these emotions.. more times than I am happy..joyful...hopeful...useful -- these days..

So, here's to hoping that August is a better month than July has been so far ;)

Angel Chasse (again)


Complaints 101

Ok, so this is a "vent" or "rant" or "complaint" posting....

Federal Government... thanks for sending my check late..... thanks a million..

Ebay.. thanks for billing me automatically, with no notice, and saying I agreed to it... (I didn't)

Wal-Mart... Thanks for selling us a bike (assembled) with a bum tire, so that when we aired it up it exploded.... thanks for that...

Cable/Internet company... thanks for the spotty off and on service for internet. I didn't REALLY want to send that email, just go ahead and log us off, so that we have to redo all that work.. thanks.. oh, and thanks for not admitting to any network problems when we call to check on it.... Thanks!

Ok, enough complainin'
How's yall?
It's HOT here

We bought bicycles from Wal-Mart... 53.79 -- and, the first day I made it all of 3 blocks before having to do the "walk of shame" walking it back home...
The three blocks were mostly up hill, and that is my excuse.. oh, and yah, I am fat and out of shape, and inactive? LOL :)

Jim got a job. He will be doing front desk at a hotel here.. easy job. It might be overnights, so that might be tough, but I will survive.. I have the cat to sleep next to me :)

So far, summer is hot. Today is a day of thunderstorms, so maybe we can get back out on the bike tomorrow!

Oh, hole in the muffler, that is easy to fix. I hope that it is, so we can visit family this summer (with extra $$$ from Jim's job)

Ok, enough out of me for now, I have other people's blogs to visit :)

Angel Chasse (again)


Family Reunion

Sunday June 4th 2006 10:11PM

Today was my Mom's side family reunion. Go, sit, eat, chat a bit, leave. Repeat yearly 1st Sunday in June. It seems to me that the family reunions are for the older people in the family. I wonder if I will feel differently about them when I am older? Time will tell I suppose.

I am not sure if I said so on this blog or not, but I had a small student loan from my one failed semester as a college student in 1996. Through moving, changing jobs, losing jobs, moving more, never having any money.... it has taken me until last month to pay it off. So, I am no longer a deadbeat in the eyes of the US Dept of Ed. -- that is a good feeling I guess! But, I am not sure if I am ready to take any classes just yet. I guess I would need to decide "what I want to be when I grow up" -- I haven't figured that out yet. I think that I might like medical transcription, or some kind of light medical involved field. Not sure. Not sure at all. I wish I could be a little more like Jimbo, and have a really good idea of what it is I want to add to the world community with my education. (His dream job is working in artificial intelligence, he is going to get a head's up on how that will work by getting to know how the human brain works in the field of psychology, in case you were wondering)

So, possibly in fall of 2007, we might be moving to Vermillion, so Jim can finish his bachelors and masters at USD. We have even found that they have small 1 bdrm dorms on campus for married students..cheap... :):):):) I hope that works out. Even more than that though, I really hope that Jim gets out of his education everything that he wants, and that he feels pride in the fact that he is very smart, and is doing a thing (succeeding in college classes) that many many many Americans, and people in general can not seem to do. That should provide a feeling of pride like nothing else. No one can take your education away from you. You have learned it, grown into it, and it is your tool forever to use. (can you tell I am a proud proud wife?)

PS... a job that pays $$$$ instead of $ from graduation on would be a GREAT BONUS :)

Ok, prolly time for me to go to bed!!!!

Angel Chasse (again)


Nothing in particular...Anything goes here...

What to blog about? Lately I have ordered a TON of free stuff from my new fave site..


I think I posted it once before, but I had to do it again.

It is HOT here. I so don't like the heat.
Next month (mid-June) Jim and I are going to get new bicycles. I think that will be a fun way to get around... and with the price of gas, who doesn't want to use people power instead of petrol?

So, we are going to ride down to the bike trail that goes along the mighty MO, and ride ride ride. I think I read somewhere that it takes 6 miles of bicycling to equal one mile of walking.. so I know you have to go FAR!!... Mental note here.... quit riding away from home when you are half tired.... you have to RIDE BACK HOME!!! -- I am sure I will get stuck in that a time or two... forgetting that you have to ride back from whence you came (english is not my forte ..can you tell?)

Other than that... what is going on with me? Not a lot. Gonna get new Dr's in August if things go according to plan. Oh, and my mom's side is having their family reunion on Sunday coming up. Always nice to meet up with those folks, though not a lot of people in my immediate family show up, soooo... lots of folks I don't really know.. but am related to :) -- At least I always ride with my mom and dad, so I know them :):):)

Just had to give a shout out to the most recent post about ethics on Dr Serani's blog. She stepped up to the moral plate and pointed out to a "colleague" that he had something on his site that was not apropriate, and he totally acted like a silly teen and refused to remove the piece... Still... Dr Deb did the right thing, and she is pretty great like that :) if you don't already read her blog, you should start.. It is here...


In other news... Becky and Jim, not seeing a whole lot new in your blogs... get on that :)

Have a safe Memorial weekend, and another shout out to my grandpas.. I had 3.. all have passed on. Miss them all. Think of them often.....

Angel Chasse (again)


Tired... Reposted from April 2005

I posted this to my blog originally in April of 2005. Now is it 5-22-06 and it seems eerily apropriate again. So, I am posting it again...


I am tired..
Tired of feeling this way
Tired of letting myself down
Tired of not knowing what life is going to need me for
Tired of seeing that other people do extraordinary things, even if they are tired themselves

Tired of standing by the sidelines, terrified, or watching on tv .. cuz I am terrified

Tired of letting the past get in the way of my future
Tired of worrying.. its not gotten me anywhere so far
Tired of having this dark cloud with me at all times.. and that cloud is so big and it rains so hard

Tired of being... well.. me
Tired of not even knowing who this .. me.. is that I know I dont want to be
Tired of making excuses
Tired of letting people take advantage of me, and feeling like a victim
Tired of not speaking up
Tired of running away
Tired of copping out
Tired of being a loser, when I WANT to be a helpful, honorable, useful human being
Tired of praying prayers for everyone, and not even understanding who I think is listening to those prayers... believing there is a higher power.. but wondering how he/she could let the things that happen in todays world happen... confused..

Tired of not making my voice heard
Tired of sticking with status quo cuz it is easier
TIRED of avoiding confrontation to the point that I blow up for no reason at the people I DO LOVE - because I have held it in with everyone/everything else..
Tired of fat
Tired of no energy
Tired of being co dependant
Tired of whining
Tired of bitchin and moaning..
Tired of ME

I'm thinking, I better try a new me .. cuz this one is NOT WORKING!!!

Angel Chasse (again)



Saturday 10:04 PM 5-13-06

I'm back from vegas :)

I had a great time. I missed Jimbo like crazy, but I had a great time as well.

I walked a TON. This is a great city for exercise!! I even have swollen feet with weird red what looks like rash on them. Jim says the walking was too much for my feet, so they got blood trapped under the skin. Who knows, it doesnt hurt anymore, and it doesn't itch. So we will wait and see if my feet fall off (just kidding)

Vegas is great. We went to the strip, I rode the rides (2 of them) at the stratosphere. That was a THRILLLLLL -- seeing the strip from the viewpoint of dangling over the stratosphere tower was GRAND!!! If you click on the name of this post, it will take you to the site with the videos of the rides :):)

Vegas seems to be very accessible. My dad had to rent a motorized scooter, as he broke his leg/ankle 2 weeks before the trip. (think, hoverround, or rascal) - There were not that many places that he could not get to. I was surprised. :) I hope that he never needs to BUY one of those things or use it daily, but I was glad to know he could still get around.

We didn't make it to the grand canyon. The glass walkout they are building is still under construction. My dad was really looking forward to that, so I am glad that we called ahead and didn't just drive the 5 hrs and get him disappointed.

We listened to a resort timeshare presentation to get free tickets for American Superstars at Stratosphere, they had impersonators of Elvis, Michael Jackson, Tim McGraw,Britney Spears, and Christina Aguliera. It was a great show, and after that I got pictures of Vegas at night, and rode those thrill rides... great great great.

We saw the lions at MGM Grand, and the fountains at Bellagio, and Sigfried and Roy's White Tiger. We saw the shops and fountains at Caesar's Palace. We ate at the Rio (huge buffet) - we toured Circus Circus... (side note, the lady who guesses your weight at the carnival... guessed my dad's age, and lost... she guessed him as 44 and he is 54...... we may never hear the end of "how young he looks" LOL LOL )

We went one evening late to Freemont street (old las vegas, not the strip, downtown) we saw the overhead laser light show, and saw a street performer too. He was painted (yup painted) metalic silver, all over, and moved like a robot. I have a picture of me with him... I was busy buying a soda and wondering what everyone was looking at. I didn't think he was a person, just a robot. Very funny for me to find that he is indeed a man. Very cool.

In Vegas I saw my first of a couple of things. I saw my first prostitution transaction... (as in, girl is walking down street and back several times, then girl leans into guy's window, girl gets into his car, and drives away) very sad that one. I guess I can not be 100% positive that was what was going on, but all signs point to YUP. I sat in my first bumper to bumper rush hour where you could have shut off your car for a bit, and not moved anywhere anyway... driving there takes more assertive driving skills than I have.. .for sure..

I took lots of pictures. I hope to add some to here or Flickr soon.

I did gamble a grand total of about 15 dollars, but I got 10 free drinks from being at the machine for so long, so in my mind, it evened out :) -- A gambler I am not. I guess it is a good thing though :) :)

Plenty of time was spent at the resort pool as well, so that was a good time. I even remembered to put on the sunscreen, and only got a slight sunburn on my lower arms. That is a great accomplishment for pasty white me :) :)

Ok, enough for now, more with pictures later :)

Angel Chasse (again)


Viva Las Vegas

I am leaving for Las Vegas on Sunday morning early, and coming back Friday morning.
I am going there on a strict budget. I have found tons of sites that list free things to see and do while there. I am not much of a gambler, so that is not a problem. I have bad luck anyway :)

I am going with my mom and dad and an aunt. I am going because my brother was going to go, and at the last minute couldn't make it.

I really think I will have a good time, as I am easy to amuse for the most part. I will really miss Jimbo though. I don't like to be away from him, but he has classes, and finals to study for, so... what do you do? The good news is my parents may be planning another vacation for October, and if they plan right, Jimbo will be able to make it because school has a break then ;) *crosses fingers*

I am so nervous.. flying, lots of people, lots of chances to get lost or separated from the people I am with, crowds... did I mention crowds? Eating in a strange environment... urgh... but, I have willed myself to have fun!!!

It is supposed to be 94 the whole time we are there (in the daylight anyway) - Jim says it won't seem that hot, "because it is a dry heat"... I hope that he is right, because I am not a huge fan of sweating etc. The resort has a couple of pools though, so hopefully we will make time to use them :)

We will also be taking a day trip to the Grand Canyon, and my dad wants to visit an old west, or ghost town, so that should be great. My mom and dad will be having their 15th wedding anniversary Wednesday while we are there, so that should be fun for them too.

Ahh.. my dad has a broken leg, so he has a velcro boot/cast thing. He is very worried that he wont be able to get around. I am going to call about a scooter now...
Wish me luck on my vacation :)

Angel Chasse (again)

Love you Jim!!!!


Jim has a blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jim has a blog. Visit it :)

I have been meaning to blog more often, but it seems like I have an idea and then I forget :)

I am going on a trip to vegas soon, with my parents. I wasn't orignally slated to go with them, but someone backed out, so I get to go in their place. It will be a feat of creative budgeting to be sure, but it should be fun as well ;) It may be just my style too, because my dad broke a bone in his leg/ankle, so he will be slower than his usual "let's walk 40000 miles in one day while on vacation" self :)

Grand Canyon and a lot of sight seeing, and signing up for books at every casino to get free stuff :) Sounds like fun to me :)

On to the next info on the trip. Jim is not going. He has finals to study for, and etc etc... so... I will miss him a TON. I don't do too well without him, so it makes me feel better that since his cell is verizon and mine too, we can chat for free ;)

I have been signing up to get free samples and stuff by mail lately, it's a fun way to kill some time on the internet :) - I can't say whether you will get spam if you sign up for these things, but if you'd like, here is the link I use most often :)


Enjoy, have a good week!!!!

Angel Chasse (again)


Grandma....I'm getting older...

Friday, April 14th 2006 11:21PM

So this week was pretty eventful. Not the good kind really either.
Monday afternoon my grandma and aunt came here. My aunt had some testing scheduled for Tues morning. They visited, stayed the night with my mom and dad, and then I went with them to the heart part of the hospital from 6am to about 5pm. Great news, my aunt Pennie was great, or at least her heart was. They took the pictures, found no blockages,and did no repairs. She just needs to figure out now why her heart is enlarged, which caused this testing in the first place......

So tuesday evening they go home, and I get some sleep. Cut to wednesday evening...
My aunt Shirley calls. Grandma has had a heart attack, and is being flown in the helicopter here. Things look grave Shirley says. Mom and I go to wait for the helicopter and to see grandma. We get into the ER room they have her in. They tell us that they were able to give her a medicine to break up the blockage, and it seems to be working, so they will wait til morning, and get her into the cath lab, to see if there are any other blockages, or if there is any damage... about 20 mins after we get to see her, she starts having this episode of bad heart rythyms, and says her arm and chest hurt again. The cardiologist comes in and says they will take her to the cath lab right now, we are shown to a waiting room, and told they will most likely find a blockage and clear it. An hour and 20 mins later, the dr comes out, says they put a stent in, and that she had a temporary pacemaker for now. Her heart rate had went down to 20 beats per minute, and she had a heart attack basically while they were working on her.... cut to today.. she is fine (as fine as she's going to be) and went home this evening....

So. I am glad that my grandma is feeling better. I hate that I am getting older now, and so things like this are going to happen more and more frequently. And, that my grandma doesn't take care of herself like she should, and there is nothing I can do about it. Even guilting her into feeling sorry for ME if I were to lose her won't work. It is clear that she wants to go be with my grandpa, but man... it gets a person to thinking. I don't want to lose my grandma, but I don't deny that it will happen. I don't want to lose ANYONE in my life, but I have to admit that I will. Ick.. I don't like the thought of it at all. Mortality.....We lost my grandpa in May of 2003.. as hard as that was on me, I can't imagine how it was for my mom. That was her DAD. Seems weird... and sad.. and at the same time..natural... circle of life, way of the world, however you want to think of it...

I guess I can at least take comfort in the fact that Jim and I are really heading in a more healthy direction. We are not oblivious anymore to what we eat, and how it will affect us.

But, folks, getting older doesn't seem to be all that it might be cracked up to be. Sure, I am old enough to vote now, and drink, and old enough to do most anything I want, but geesh... some baggage comes with this getting older junk. I would rather not have this kind of baggage!!!!!!!!!

In good news though, it appears that this apartment will not be nearly as warm as the one we lived in last summer. I am pretty excited about that :)

Angel Chasse (again)



Sunday, April 9th 2006 949pm

Friends.....can't live with them, can't.........

Ok, I have come to the conclusion that I am a horrible friend. And I am horrible at the whole process of being someone's friend. I have some online friends, and for the most part, I don't do too bad with the back and forth of friendship there.

Maybe the fact that I don't like to go out and about much anymore, and am always nervous, and hate being around new people, has a lot to do with my not being a good friend, but I am not really sure if it is just that.

I *want* people to like me, I really do. I *want* to have friends. But, I feel all icky, like I am going to say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing, or embarrass them, or me... so then I stop going out and doing things with them, and I stop returning their calls, or picking up when they do call. I start obsessing over how lame I am, and how I should just go and see them, and do stuff with them etc...

I did this with 2 of my best friends.. well, more than that but these two in particular. Shannon and Shelly. I was close with them, they seemed to get me, and I seemed to get them. Then it started. Shannon moved away, then came back to the town I lived in. She called, and asked me to come over and just hang out etc... I did it like... 2 times.. total. In about a year... the rest of the time I wouldn't pick up the phone, and I was freaking out.. what would I say, what would I do, etc.... urgh.. so now she lives across the country, and I don't see her at all. :( big mistake there, she is a great person!!
Shelly, same thing. I had all the time in the world to hang out with her and become even better friends, but instead I stayed home, and made excuses for why I shouldn't go hang out. *I really am lame sometimes... truly*

I just think it is INSANE to not spend time with people that you like. I also think it is lame that being my friend should be WORK for the other person. Just ask my husband. Being my husband is about the most work one person can do... geesh...
I am not sure why I am posting this, I guess just to vent, and to get it out there... if anyone is reading this, don't alienate your friends... be a good friend. It's good for you I think.... I just need to take my own advice. But, that will come with time I suppose... we'll see

What else is new? Oh, it's been pretty warm out, and I hate that, cuz it signals that SUMMER is on it's way.... ICK..sweating is NOT cool ;)

I am now also addicted to "Family Guy" -- the little baby Stewie on that show is FUNNNNNY.... but anyway... it's late, and I should quit babbling now.... Take care everyone :)

Angel Chasse (again)


List of sites I visit...

Thursday March 30th 2006 1:23 PM

I wasn't sure what to blog about, but I knew I wanted to blog... so I am posting a list of sites that I visit regularly, and I am asking that anyone who reads this (all 1 of you) LOL -- Suggest more interesting places to spend my time on the net.. :)

www.keloland.com -- Sioux Falls, SD News Site
www.usbank.com -- My Bank
www.rosie.com -- Rosie's Blog.. *SHE* always has something to say..
www.noaa.gov -- Good weather site
www.gmail.com -- Email of Course
www.justlu.com -- Lu's Blog.. check it out
http://drdeborahserani.blogspot.com/ -- Dr Deb's Blog.. check this one out too!
www.crossroads-community.net -- My brother in law's church website..
www.tvguide.com/listings -- boring I know ;)
www.ebay.com -- Ebay of course
www.marthastewart.com -- Queen of all things household-ish
www.realsimple.com -- Great all around site for tips
http://www.greyswriters.com/ -- If you enjoy Grey's...read this blog :)

Other than those, and the websites I use to pay my bills online (cable co, phone co, electric co, etc..) I don't have much ;) I have usually a bbs chat open, msn messenger, yahoo messenger sometimes, and google talk (cuz it is the only one Jim and Tim will use) lol -- boring time on the net, I need to start doing some other stuf online ;)... I did log in through my library card access to take the 3 sections of the US Citizenship exam though (or a practice test of it) -- I was quite ashamed that I only answered 75% of the questions right. That would give me what? a C? SAD SAD SAD... I am waiting for Immigration to come and deport me now... LOL ..

Rainy spring day here.. and HUMID already :( - Not a pleasant sign of things to come.. and EVERYONE makes fun of me for liking fall and winter best... I hate being hot, and I hate the humidity... it is soooooo much easier to put clothes and blankets ON to get warmer.. but, in the summertime, its not like it is EASY to naturally cool yourself.. we have to have AIR CONDITIONING.. ick...
Ok, enough out of me for today ;)

Angel Chasse (again)


Most Life Changing Event.....


So... I got an abnormal psychology book. Jim is taking the class, and knew I had an interest in the field, so he got me a book, and I have been following along, and taking practice tests etc. We are looking at how stress or life events causing stress can affect your physical health.

So there was this inventory put together. Life Stress Units or something like that. Anyway, it asks you to rank some "bad things" that could happen to you, in order of how devastating or life changing they would be. In many cases, many cultures, the #1 thing that could happen was death of a spouse. I was thinking to myself as we were reading...yah, that sounds about right to me....

Jim stopped reading, and we discussed... He doesn't think that would be the worst. He thinks that losing his own sight, or a limb, something that was debilitating in his own health or life would be the worst. I get where he is coming from. It would absolutely affect ya. Whereas your spouse dying might not affect some as much as it would me.

That got me thinking about how different the world is for each and every person in it. I mean, not just the physical, like tall, short, fat, skinny... I mean like, we all live in the same world, but we all see it so differently. I personally have a lot of views that are considered "liberal" I suppose, but everyone is so different.

Not sure exactly what I had to add to this discussion, just really thought about how how you view the world really affects how you live, and probably how long you live, and how well you live.. I know, elemetary dear watson.. but... sometimes when Jim and I are talking, and he expresses an opinion or a thought that is WAY different than I would see it, it dawns on me how different people can really be... and shocks me to know that I am married to someone so different than me, and for the most part, it works out just great...... weird eh? See why I don't blog EVERYTHING that I think about? LOL

In other news, I wish that I had learned to sew when I was younger.. now I don't really have the patience or coordination for it... but my cousin (who is 15) is making a quilt.. a really cool one.. wish I could do that, but alas, I would end up all flustered and mad, so I will just pay her to make me one :) LOL

I am also making a calendar in my outlook to remind me of people's bday, so I can be sure to send a special note, or Ecard... if you want to send me your bday info so I can include ya, my email is mciangel@gmail.com

That's all for today.... ;)

Angel Chasse (again)


Cheap Healthcare... (has a price)

So, I have had some pain in my chest since about the 10th or so. Constantly there, sometimes gets the sharpness about it.. so.. I waited for it go away.. and it hasn't.. went to the community health place on Monday. SCARY PLACE!!!

The people there... scared me some of them. Now, don't get me wrong, I know that those people were probably sick, and grouchy, and needed help. But geesh, some of those folks were rude, mean, and just.. I don't know.. thoughtless maybe?

That got me, and my dear husband (tm) LOL j/k.... thinking. It got us thinking that it really sucks to not have health insurance. Now, I get disability... but that check is more than a household of 2 can make in this state and qualify for health insurance. So, basically, I was approved to stay home from work, until I get treatment that works and calms the voices, paranoia, panic, nightmares, etc etc... but... because I make over the dollar limit to qualify for health care with my state.. I don't have the means to get treated for these problems...

I know, I know, there are places, there are forms, there are this and that.. the fact that my husband is in college (so that he can make a wage that will support us both if need be in the future) that is a problem as well. We can't get on a subsidized housing list because he is able bodied, and should be working instead of going to school (according to them) -- so.. I get that there are rules, and life is hard, and all of those things.. but I am feeling like... ROCK --- Meet HARDPLACE

So, I pay my rent, utilities, phone, (internet, luxury item there), car insurance, food, necessities, old student loan of mine being garnished... and.. low and behold there is not 383 dollars left over for my to take out my own health insurance plan... WOW... I am not sure what to do. I find myself getting excedingly upset over this, and freaking out about it, but at the same time, I just get angry. If I hadn't let myself feel all of these things, and had just "powered on" and kept working and living the way I was before, we would be doing fine, and I wouldnt have these problems, because I would have a job, that paid the bills, and for health insurance.. URGH.... I think this is just a rant, but I guess I wanted to say that I am scared really to go to the community health place, cuz I am scared that I might catch something really bad there, or that one of those angry patients might just loose it and whip out their gun or something.. but I digress... Jim went with me both times, and I feel much safer with him there... all of this, and my first appt will cost me 52 bucks and the second one the same, and then the test at the heart speciality place will be TONS of money (payment plan for a lifetime) lol -- Ok.. Now I am just rambling on. All this to find out that my heart is really probably 100% fine, and that I should have just sucked it up and waited longer.

Going to the Dr always sucks, but this new stuff.. without insurance.. it sucks so bad a person could get a complex I think.....

A side note.... Lu, keep thinking, and believing that everything will be ok. That is really the best advice I can give ya. Hard and sucky advice it may be, but the best I can do... *hugs* Praying for ya, and sending you the best thoughts...

Angel Chasse (again)


Why? Why? Why?

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why do some people cling to and need religion and to be a part of a church, and others do fine without it, or with worshiping in their own private way?

Why do really good things happen to people that don't work for them, and then nothing happens, or bad things happen to people who work hard and live right?

Why do some people insist on pushing their ideas/values/morals/beliefs/expectations on you when you do not do the same thing to them?

Why does the world produce significantly more food than is needed to feed all humans, but we have starving people even here in the US.. one of the world's richest coutries?

Why is religion so fanatical? I mean, people really take it to extremes...

Why can't I decide with 100% certainty what I believe in. I am 27 years old!!!!

Why is mental illness called an illness if it does not make you ill, and if many folks think you should "walk it off" or "just get over it" - why don't they just call it the "you're lazy, emotional, weak, and incorrigible?

Why should I have the right to tell another woman what is right for her circumstances, what is right for her body, and why should I tell her to keep a baby that she doesn't want?

Politically charged, biased, controversial, whatever you think it is.. some questions that I had...

And... why don't people who do good things, and who are good people with good hearts prosper... yet others do..... urgh

Enough for this evening, I'm sure...

Angel Chasse (again)
PS. I saw "Walk The Line" -- I liked it -- it is the only oscar nominated film I saw :) Way to go Reese Witherspoon, congrats on the Oscar!


Blog Blog Blog

What is new with me?

We aren't having much of a winter. My Mom still managed to get bronchitis though. Glad she went to the Dr, and got some meds.

Jim is out on spring break.. woo hoo.. he's trying to decide whether he wants to stay with computer science (lotsamath) or go into psychology. We will see how that turns out....

How come I can't make spaghetti without ruining a shirt (or two) -- BUY AN APRON -- I should buy an apron!!!!! On the other hand, the spaghetti was very good. We like it SPICY SPICY!!

I try to be a calm rational person, it does NOT happen. It is so odd.. the thing we really want, is the thing we can't have sometimes... well, not odd so much as infuriating.

I am glad that Dr Deb is getting published big time, she is very smart if you ask me. She seems to know the things that are important to us :)

Has anyone tried Carmel Apple Microwavable popcorn? It looks good :)

Why am I me, why am I not the me I wish I would be? -- That is what I am going to think about this week.

Angel Chasse (again)


Grey's Anatomy.... And Me

I am sure that anyone who reads this blog knows that I love television. We pay more money than we should to have cable, because I am home all the time, and I like me some tv :) lol -

My newest addiction is Grey's Anatomy - I think I watched the first show last season (the first season I guess) - and then watched sporadically after that. Then something happened on one of the episodes, and it intrigued me, so I want to see every episode :) Lucky for me, season one's dvd is out soon, if it isn't already out. I really like Ellen Pompeo (Meridith Grey on the show) and I like the character of George, and of Bailey. So anyway, I love this show, and just found out the name of the theme song, so I will have to be looking for that. I really liked the 2 part episode that they had for the end of the superbowl.. sure, some of the drama was trumped up a bit, but I think those 2 episodes went a long way toward deepening our understanding of the different characters :) Ok, enough about that :)

What else have I been up to? Some introspection, and some crankiness. I have a headache that has gone on for awhile now, but my non-hypochondriac husband thinks it is a tension headache, so we will go with that. I have also been trying to keep up with him in a college class that I have interest in (abnormal psych) - and have been reading along with him in the chapters (from home, not actually attending the classes) - and I took a practice test and didn't do too badly on it, though it was not my best work.

Jim did our taxes, then found that we had an error, so we need to do another form to correct this error.. urgh... but at least we caught it, so it won't mess up his financial aid for school.

I made some "homeade lo mein" tonight, and it was pretty good, but I can do better. It is weird.. there is not much that I won't try to make at home at least once, but I had bad experiences trying to make fried rice at home, so I pretty much gave up on anything chinese-y - - but since this was good, who knows, I might try more exotic stuff. Jim is the chef in this family, but I do like to have a few things that I make well. Our friend Becky said the other day that she misses having our spaghetti, so that made me feel really goood :) that is my signature dish ;) lol

Other than that I have just been getting by. I know that I need to get back on my meds, and see dr's again and all of that but A> there is not money for that, and B> I think I wanted to believe that I would be just fine without that stuff, and that it really was just all in my head, and I could make myself all better if I just tried. Well... that would probably work... but.. and this is a big but... I dont really have the energy, motivation, patience, whatever to even try. I would really rather just stay in my little apartment and not go anywhere or have to deal with anyone, and not have to talk about the way that I feel, or the voices, or the racing thoughts, or the ickiness.. .but... even I can finally see now that THIS is not working either, so we have to move on to something more productive. I have some phone#s to call and ask for some help etc, but I just hoped it would not come to this, and I would just be able to make myself all fine again. I even thought that if I just didn't complain as much to the hubby, and didn't bring up how I was feeling, that he would think I was doing better... I guess I should have given him more credit, because evidently he saw right through that, and I was the only one believing anyone was fooled.. so -- I guess they call it mental "ILLNESS" for a reason, and I guess that even if you want it to, it won't just go away on its own.. although, that would be great, if you upstairs are listening, the "just goes away on it's own" thing sounds GREAT!!!!!!!!! So, that is an update on me, and what I have been up to. I still read a lot of blogs, and often have to tell my hubby what I am reading about, especially the stories on Lu's blog page at www.justlu.com --- she can tell a story like no one can :) I really hope this isn't as long when I hit save as I think it might be... but oh well.. I'll try to update more frequently :)

Angel Chasse (again)


The Superbowl

Feb 4th 2006 Saturday

This just in.. I might be the only person on the planet not watching the Super Bowl tomorrow...why? I hate football. I don't see the point of the sport, but then again, there are a ton of things I could spend all day doing that many folks would probably think were INSANE - like using the internet all day ;)
I do have some chips though, and a spiffy new www.fitday.com account where I am keeping track of what I eat daily.. get this.. it boggles my mind. My Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) as it is figured with this long formula - is 2407 calories per day... that is supposed to be what my body uses every day just breathing etc... I don't see any way that this could be possible.. If that is the case.. then if I am only eating 100-1200 calories a day, I should most assuredly be losing some weight right? WRONG O -- not lost anything.. Well, should admit that I don't have a scale, but I do not feel like I have lost even one little iota... my husband on the other hand (who eats even less calories than I do, cuz he never cheats) - has had to put 5 notches to make his belt snug... urgh.. I am very happy for him, and very mad at me.. anywho, I am sure that insulin resistance and non working thyroid probably has something to do with my not losing weight, but... geesh.. anyway... so medication is a good thing in this instance for sure.. glucophage and synthroid are our friends :) right? LOL -- what else is new? Hrm.. we walked a mile in the skywalks today.. (again Jimbo had to drag me there) lol - not a lot else going on cept I am studying Jim's abnormal psychology book with him, to see if I would like/could do a college course in the future... so we will see how that goes.
That's all for now I guess

PS - My adsense is not working - all I get is the one ad for gulf hurricane relief. That is a a great ad, but I thought they were supposed to change? We'll see...
Angel Chasse (again)


What is Art?

Tuesday Jan 24th 2006

Jim is taking art apreciation this semester.
I hate art.. I shouldn't really say I hate art. I hate things I am not good at, and things I don't understand :) LOL --
I am not "artsy" I must have a more analytical mind than I thought. I don't really "get" what stuff is sometimes in art. I guess that is probably normal, but I really would rather see a photograph of a person or a landscape or a lighthouse, than an inventive art project anyday.. We went to the local art center, and of the 100+ pieces they had there, I probably would have only chosen like 6 of them to own, or have in my home. The funny thing is that many of the ones that I did like, look more like patterns from Windows desktop backgrounds :) :) :)

Let's see, I havent blogged in a while, what is new?
Jim (mostly) and I are on a "diet" of sorts... Mostly just exercising portion control, and trying to drink diet soda or drinks, and keep to between 1000 and 1500 calories per day. It is not as hard and sucky as I thought it would be, the only thing that I really miss is that I don't have cake or cookies, or sweets around all the time.. not that I need them, but that seems to be what I crave.. and of course, anything carbs :)
I would recommend portion-controlled eating to anyone .... who is not doing it already... it is amazing to me when you follow the labels on stuff, and eat just one portion's worth, how much you really can eat in a day and still maintain low calories. It is just that before, Jim and I would make a ton of food, and eat it all.. Now we try to make the equivalent of one portion per person of each thing... the portions ARE a lot smaller, but most times, we feel full, and aren't feeling too deprived.. Now I just need to incorporate a WHOLE LOT of exersise into the routine... I hate that... :)

Angel Chasse (again)


Married Life AKA I love Jim

Jim and I have been married for 8 years. We have known each other for 9 years.

When we first met, I made a ton of mistakes. The worst of those mistakes was running to my mom every time we had a normal, average, married people do this kind of fight. The reason I say that this was the worst mistake is... it gave my mom and dad the wrong idea about Jim. Jim is caring, loving, sweet, respectful, treats me better than I deserve, and better than I treat him. But see, for the first couple of years of our marriage, they didn't know this. They didn't know Jim very well, and when they did hear about him, it was through me, and many times after we had had a fight, and I was steamed. I just want to tell everyone that that was wrong. Choosing to marry Jim is the one, single, best decision I have ever made. Probably the best one that I will ever make. Jim and I have had our share of fights, and disagree on many things. But he loves me, and I love him. The kind of love that makes you feel badly about ignoring him, while you are ignoring him... the kind of love that has you wanting to bring him a pillow and blanket when you make him sleep on the couch.... I don't know.. if anyone is reading this, they must think I am insane. I just love Jim. I get worried, I don't understand why this man would choose to spend his life with me. I know me, honestly I do, and I really don't treat him as well as I should... I am working on it, but I just really feel lucky, and blessed, and lucky.... that he chooses to stay with me. He makes me so happy!!!!!! (I am not a happy person by nature..so it might not show as much as it should) -- So, I guess this was just an open letter to let everyone know that I love Jim, and that I am sorry that I didn't shout it from the rafters all this time.... I love him I love him I love him :)
I guess sometimes we have this theory in our head of how our relationship is going to be perfect, and everything is going to go well, and there will never be fights, just love, and sex and laughter..and we freak out when it does not really happen that way.. but what I have.. right now, today, with Jim... is the best, most perfect thing I have ever felt... EVER!

I love you Jim...
Happy Anniversary Jan 6 2006

Angel Chasse (again)