
So Tired....

I think I had another post one time about being too tired.
I am tired... like the physical kind, from not getting a good night's sleep, and the other kind..
From mind racing, thoughts crashing into one another. Trying to pay attention when someone I love is talking to me, trying to not listen to the voices... trying to not nag at Jim, trying to stay in a good mood. (Failing at those)
It just seems like a siege, a war inside my head, me wanting to read stuff and do stuff, and my mind firing off all these remarks about what a loser I am, and the paranoid thoughts.
Ha, I just thought about something, that if anyone reads this, they will probably think I am crazy... I would like to say I am :) lol -- nah, not schizophrenic, if that is what you are thinking...
But, I have issues.. and they are sometimes a lot to think about, or should I say a lot to try not to think about. Seems every year near my birthday I find myself looking back on my year and wondering how things went, and how things will go from here.
I need to find a new dr, to do my meds, and therapist and stuff.. - guess I will just pull money out of my ear for all of that :)
I just need to stop having mood swings, and feeling like everyone is out to get me, and starting fights over nothing, at the drop of a hat I feel sad, and like crying.. I need to stop these voices that I hear in my head, and teach myself how to not notice them... I need to do a lot of things.. oh yeah, I have a lack of motivation too to go along with all that ;) - so that is a great combo!!!

Ok, on a lighter note, today is my step-sister Sarah's 27th bday (we are 4 days apart) - and she brought Peyton down so we could hold her and love her up today :) - I posted a picture of Jim holding her for the first time on my Flickr - She is adjusting to motherhood really well, and I am so proud of her!!!!
And, as usual... Jim is being great, and putting up with me, and always being nice to me even when I am not nice to him, and I wish I had a gazillion dollars to give him for putting up with me... and still loving me on top of it all.....

It is a bumpy road, but I am sure one of these days I will get a 4 wheel drive, so I can manage :)

Angel Chasse ( again)


What do I believe?

I never thought that the guy that made that movie called "super size me" would bring any thought to my life...
See, when I was younger, like 10 years ago or so, I started going to church.. I went every Sunday. I even went although my parents did not. They did not really find organized religion to be something they were interested in. I went, and one day I broke down, and the pastor spent probably 4-5 hours answering the questions that I had about being Baptist, about being a Christian, about the Bible.. etc etc... I listened, and planned to join the church, become a member... I went for another 4-5 months, and when it came time to join, I chickened out.. something about it did not seem right to me, but to this day I can't put my finger on any one thing.. It just didn't feel right to me, I didn't have all the answers I needed....

So fast forward to last night, watching a show on FX channel, called "30 days" - They were sending a farm boy college graduate from Michigan to live in the Castro District of San Fransico. I take it that the 30 days was to see if his ideas about homosexual men would change.. when he lived at home in Michigan, he felt that homosexuality was biblically wrong, and a sin. He didn't think that homosexual men should serve in the Army reserves with him either....

This kind of brings me to my quandry.....
who is right? Those that take the Bible literally, or those that see it as merely a book of parable stories to keep us doing more right than wrong...
I know that there are parts of the Bible that say a man should not lay with another man.. But, the bible also says eye for an eye - so which parts do you pick out and decide that you are going to live your life by? And, are you supposed to believe that we should treat others badly or outcast them because they sin this way? The way I understood it (might be mistaken) -- is that a sin is a sin is a sin.... they are not ranked from bad to really bad to really really evil....
I guess I don't really feel that I would want to be part of any religion that condemns others for their sex life... I guess I could be described as "confused" -- there are so many other questions that I have... I guess I am not a person who does "blind faith" well....
So Jim's advice for me is to sit down with several different pastors/clergy, and see if now that it is 10 years later, I get any answers I can understand, or better deal with...
I think it is a great idea, except right now I feel like with all that is always goin on in my head, that I could be susceptable to taking someone else's view of what is right and wrong, and adopting it to be my own...
Sometimes I feel that organized religion is simply brainwashing in a simple form....
I mean, you go there, they pick out certain snipets of the bible.. they tell you how to interpret it... and then you base your religion for the most part on what the pastor has told you..
I just really think that it seems wrong to pick and choose.. if you are going to believe that the bible is a writing to be taken literally, you shoudln't be able to pick and choose what parts of it you want to apply to your life... that cant be right.. at least to me...

So, as anyone reading this can probably tell, not only do I hear voices more frequently in my head that are not really there, and not only do I get depressed and pissed off, and suicidal, and crabby and lazy and f#c#ed up.. but now I am not even sure if I believe in God, or if I do ( I think I do) - what role he should play in my life, URGH URGH URGH...

On a side note, I personally think that homosexuality is NOT a CHOICE but something that you are born being --- like.. you either have freckles, or you don't, and you have blue eyes or you don't... and I don't think that ANYONE should be treated badly because of who they choose to spend their life with and love.. .Love is Love.. Kindness is Kindness.. People are People... Jerks are Jerks.. and so on ....

Angel Chasse (again)


A baby is born into the world...

So.. picture it, Sicily (ok, that is Golden Girls)

Tuesday night, my mom calls me about 10 after ten... she says that Larry called. He and Sarah are going to the hospital, contractions every 6 minutes. My mom asks him to give a call back once they are checked in at the hospital, so that we know for sure "it's time" - and not "first time mom's false alarm" -- so I am elated. She asks " are you going to ride with us and go to see Sarah?" ------ DUH MOM --------- Hello!!!!!! It's ME!!!

So I get dressed, probably smile plastered from ear to ear :) - Jim reminds me that I might have wanted to wait to put jeans and etc on, it may be a false alarm. I was hot in the apt, yes, but I knew that it would be cold at the hospital. So I am dressed, excited, and ready to go :) --- Then, I wait... and wait, and wait.. and finally it's midnight, and no call back, and I can't get ahold of sarah.. so I call my mom and dad... now.. in our family we don't make late night phone calls.. my parents work early in the morning, so they go to bed early.. anyway, I call and my dad picks up on the first ring.. strange ... but he says he hasn't heard anything.. and asks if I have called Sarah's cell... DUH again.. yah, I called about 6 times :) -- so finally I get the main # to the hospital up there, and the nurse gives me the room # ... I call.. no answer... -- finally I get the RIGHT room # and Sarah's mom picks up, says she is in some pain, and is getting medicine, and that the Dr said "the baby will be here today, but I can't say what time" - she thinks we could wait until morning to make the trip.... I call my dad, relay that info, and hang up... then I go to bed, with the phone on my nightstand.. about 20 mins later, Larry calls, said he didn't want to forget to call me, and that he just talked to my dad, and that he got the impression we were going to be on our way... I wish him luck :):) -- hang up with him and call my dad back, they are indeed coming to pick me up - mom's already on her way... I kiss Jimbo goodbye, and run off to catch my ride.. we stop to get some coffee (as it is about 1:20 am :) -- and I tell the convienience store clerk that we are on "baby patrol" and that I am going to be an aunt :) -- he looks unimpressed, but he plays along, wishing us a good safe trip. -- so we get on the road, and start seeing lightning almost the instant we get on the interstate.. It's 85 miles, all interstate, all 75 mph speed limit from Sioux City *where I live now* to Sioux Falls *where Sarah lives* -- so we get going, and about 30 mins into the drive the lightning gives way to rain, hard hard flooding type rain, and then some stiff wind to go along with it. We slow down dramatically, and mom manages to keep us on the road and get us there safely :) -- I on the other hand, almost didn't make it to the hospital, per I drank my entire 20oz of coffee on the trip, and desparately needed a bathroom... its almost 3am and nothing is open.. so they drop me off in front of the hospital, I find a bathroom, and they park... Its a big maze to get to Sarah's room, but we finally get in there about 3am or so....

Sarah is sore, having "back labor" and is just trying to rest (ya right) When we got there, she had just finished trying the whirlpool to see if it would help.. it didn't -- Larry and the nurses are doing their best to rub her back and keep her comfortable. We just visited with Sarah and her mom, and chatted for about an hour, then they said that Sarah could have an epidural, so we went to the waiting room. When we got to the waiting room, another storm must have been coming through, really pounding those raindrops into the glass of the windows... I think everyone tried to just get some rest in the chairs while we were waiting.. I was a little to excited to think of sleeping though.. so I just sat and talked with mom off and on, and watched the hubbub that is a busy maternity ward (the nurse told us that all rooms were full that night on labor and delivery) -- finally about 7am we went back into the room with Sarah. Larry explained that they had done one epidural, it didn't work, so they did a second, and between, they tried to keep the room empty so Sarah could rest.. turns out she didn't get much rest, but maybe an hour she said.

So about 8:15 they say it is time that she can start pushing, but they want to do a trial push first to see if she has the hang of what to do etc... My mom and her mom and Larry all there to help her, and she pushes - does great, just what they want to see .. uh oh, she feels very nauseous now, and needs to throw up... the nurses tell her to go ahead .. they say something to her that is funny to me.. I keep thinking about it .. they say " puking is worth about 20 pushes anyway dear" -- lol -- ok, I had never heard of this.. it must be what they DON'T tell you on the baby shows on tv :) --- well, anyway, she gets sick for a few minutes... then her dr comes in and the nurse and the dr are kind of talking and they ask Sarah to lay on her side.. they are looking at something, but we all are not sure what... then they tell her that " the baby didn't like you sitting up like that for so long when you were sick, and her heartrate is down.." so they move her a bit from side to side, and finally find a side that normalizes baby.. they also put oxygen on Sarah... she got mad that the oxygen smelled like plastic, she said it was making her more nauseous.... when the nurse told her that the oxygen is for the baby and not for her, I never heard her complain again about it.. Maybe they should have told her about that from the start.... so now it's about 9:30 and baby is doing better, and they want to try some more pushing... there were a lot more pushes, but not a lot of progress, so they let Sarah rest again. I don't remember much from this time until about 12noon but basically it went... push until you can't handle it anymore, and then take a break cuz baby doesn't like the pushing, and then check again to see if the baby is down far enough, (it wasn't) and then try some more pushing... About noon Sarah's Dr came in and said that she was bringing a specialist in, because the baby keeps having times of stress, and is not down far enough for her regular doctor to just try to help get her out.. they would need a vaccuum to help, or forceps... we were all very worried at this point, as we could see that Sarah had been pushing at this point for 4 hours, probably 3 of it actually hard hard work, and some rest time in there... she was tired, but never really got short with anyone, and didn't show any signs of giving up... she knew the baby needed to come out now, and she was determined to make that happen... so about 12:40 the specialist comes in, and brings with her a team of people.. they all set up, and let Sarah know it is going to be forceps, and it's going to go like this... You push as hard as you ever will in your entire life, and I will pull at the same time, just as hard....
Now, this is the part where I think things were most intense... I knew forceps were used frequently, it wasn't a rare thing, but basically the Dr told Sarah, "I'm either getting her out with this pull, or you are going to have to have a c section.... " -- so we knew the time for "wait and see" was up now.... Once that team was in place and sterile, Sarah gave a huge push, the Dr braced herself against the bed and pulled like it looked like she was going to fly back across the room. At the same time, the dr yelled to the nurse haunched below her to "cut now" -- yup.. not only did Sarah give birth, but she go to get a ton of stitches afterward, while everyone else was getting to enjoy Payton. Payton was born at 12:49 PM Wednesday July 20th 2005 - She weighed 6lbs 7 ozs

I haven't ever been in the room when a baby was being born before. I think I felt things I have never felt before, and this was just my niece, not even my own baby... I have watched a ton of shows where they show you the mom giving birth, but until you are there, and actually see how warn out they are, and how they just keep going, and how Sarah hardly complained.. it was truly miraculous to me to be in that room, sometimes just watching, sometimes holding a leg while she pushed, trying to encourage to push harder keep going.. you can do it... -- I don't know how much of this experience minute by minute Sarah will remember, because she is in a whirlwind, now with a new baby to feed and care for and love at home, but I think I will remember it for the rest of my life. I really feel like I should thank Sarah for letting me be a part of such a personal, wonderful experience... I probably won't tell her though, cuz I'm the emotional gushy one, and she isn't -- so she'd prolly say I was being lame :) :) Gotta love sisters :)

For those playing at home, here are the characters in this story
The people who live in Sioux Falls,
Sarah S - My step sister ( Her mom is Cindy, and her dad is Steve (my step dad) )
Larry C - Sarah's boyfriend, Payton's Dad
Cindy S - Sarah's Mom

People that live in Sioux City,
Steve S - Sarah's Dad ( My step dad)
Gayla S - My mom (Sarah's step mom)
Me - New aunt to Payton :)


Wrong again...

I was wrong. Sarah called. She's been busy, and sleeping a ton, and was calling my mom and giving her info cuz she knew that it isn't that good for me to watch a lot of baby shows etc.. so she figured that calling me and filling me in on every detail of her pregnancy wasn't good for me either... so once again, I get all paranoid and freaked out and upset, and it is nothing... well, in this case.. it was someone's attempt to help ME by not giving me the details...

anyway, we talked for almost 2 hrs, and I am all filled in ;) - I am still not sure what to get the little one, but we will think of something cool I am sure :)

It is nice here today..... yup, I said NICE... didn't even have to pull out the words like "hot as hell" or "muggy" or "wet" or ICK --- lol -- finally a cold front goes through and does what it should... cools us off!!!

Angel Chasse (again)


Guess what I did?

That's right..

*I* got to hold a newborn baby girl.. 3 days old :)

Our upstairs neighbor had her baby Wednesday. I held the little one, and she is very cute of course, and smelled like a baby :) -- and when I held her she stopped crying... (fluke I am sure, but I'll take it ) -- and then I fed her a bit of her bottle. What a sweety. Made my day really.

In other baby news, my step-sister is getting very close to having the baby. She is dialated to
3-4 cm, but not at the hospital.. they are giving her until Thursday, and if she hasn't started contracting more and such, they will induce her. I kind of hope they don' t have to give her the pitocin or anything, cuz I hear that can sometimes make the contractions much more painful. The lady upstairs got to the hospital and had the baby within an hour's time. She had the epidural, and said that nothing really hurt. I hope that things can go that well for Sarah :)
She has an infection a bit though, so she has to do some stuff with some antibiotics, to make sure that the baby has a safe clean place to land ;) lol

Again with my issues. My sister called Wednesday, said she would call back that night. She didn't call. She called my mom on like Thurs night.. gave my mom the lowdown. Again didn't call me. I called her a total of 8 times now, letting her know I was anxious to hear from her, and when I would be around etc. I know know know that she is busy, much busier than I am, and that she is preparing for the arrival of her baby... I get all of that.. but there is a part of me that definitely thinks that this is her way of paying me back because she is upset that we moved to Sioux City (85 miles south) right before she was going to have the baby. Initially I thought it sounded like she wasn't ever going to have me babysit anyway, cuz her so's side of the family is big, and in town, and her mom is in town.. so I figured she wouldn't have me watch the baby unless absolutely everyone was busy. (She is a bit.. well.. I don't know, snobby maybe?) -- so anyway, before we moved, I told her to bring the baby anytime, and she said ok... I didn't think anything of it. Well, when we decided we were moving down here for sure, and told her about it she was upset. So, I guess maybe we didn't know it but she had counted on us babysitting a lot more often.... so now I feel bad about that. And I do wish I was just a trip across town so that I would get to see my (probably) niece often... but you know, we have to do what is right for our family (me, jim, leo) -- so... anyway.. I wish if she WAS upset with me, she would just say it. Just come out and say. I was really counting on you, and now I am hurt that you moved away... but she would never just say that.. evidently she just won't talk to me anymore...?? -- anyway, I called her again today (this time from my moms cell - free minutes) - and she picked up -- and said she was really busy shopping and she would call me at home tonight... so again, I will wait for the phone to ring, so I can chalk it up to I overreacted, and she was very busy.. but I really really feel like she is upset that we moved, and this is how she is going to show it --- Which makes me very sad. I happen to think that I would make a great aunt. But, I guess time will tell.

Anyway, I think I am less cranky now, and I don't know what was up the last week or so. I just felt icky. Just kind of like I hated living in this town cuz Jim is always gone, so I either do nothing, or do things with my mom. Now, don't get me wrong, I love love love spending time with my mom, and would have no problem with doing that every day.. but she isn't the same as my husband, you know what I mean? Ok, I think this is getting too long now... but I just wanted to share all of that :)

Angel Chasse (again)


Nothing much...

I don't have a lot to say, I just want to make it a habit to keep this blog up. It seems if I don't blog for a week or more, I forget the things that I want to talk about... LOL ...

Sunburn is mostly over, except the part at the top of my arms, where the arms meet the torso. Graphic explanation I know.. lol.. but I sleep on my side... almost exclusively.. how do I know this? Because I can't hardly sleep now that I can't lay that way. Urgh.. Damn the sun Damn the sun!!

I have a ton of shows I love to watch now.
Strong Medicine ( Lifetime ) 3pm every day they just showed last year's season, and now they started over with the first season - so I will get to catch up ;)
The Nanny (Lifetime) 4-5pm and 11-12pm and 10am etc.. on all the time.. I never really liked this when it was on tv, but now that it is in reruns, I like it a lot.
Of course, I am addicted just like I always have been, to food tv .. Rachael Ray is my favorite :)
Let's see.. now I like the CSI's as well, and I love that House MD show on Fox

That about does it for tv shows I am wild about.. :):)

What else is going on with me? Not a lot. I am excited to see my new (probably) niece, or nephew.. Sarah is due at the end of this month. I am really excited, but at the same time, very nervous, cuz she doesn't call me (I blogged about this before..) - Well, I take that back, she did call yesterday and said she would call back last night. She hasn't called.. but I guess she is probably much more busy than I am. I guess that is something I need to get used to. That I am never really busy, and most everyone else I know is very busy.

I also need to get over being cranky. I know it is nothing that Jim is doing that is different than usual but lately, I just feel like I am so naggy, but I can't not be that way.. It is ticking me off to have to go around every day 2 or 3 times a day to pick up after him. It's little things, and I know that he works and I don't, so I should be doing it happily, but it's not really the picking up, its more that I feel like he doesn't have even enough respect for me to keep things nice, or that he only cares about being on his computer or ipaq, or working, and doesn't have the "time" to be picking stuff up. I mean, its just stuff, that needs to be cleaned, or done, or picked up off the floor.. or I don't know.. I just have issues. I keep thinking that he doesn't have to really "care" about housecleaning and crap, but he should care, that if he leaves wet towels around.. that they don't pick themselves up, that "I" have to do it.. again, not that big of a deal. Little stuff. But seeeeeee.... this all goes back to the thing that I have --- I take everything so personally. Like, it can't be that Jim doesn't care about how clean the house is... it has to be that he doesn't want to do it so that I will have to do it.. and that he doesn't care about what I do here when he is gone etc.... see see see... ISSUES..... so, again, I am not a freak about cleanliness, our house is picked up most times at best best best.... so.. it't not like that... but... I keep nagging him about it, and getting upset over little things.. ick ick ick ick ... I gotta get over this crapola!!!!!!!!

Angel Chasse (again)



I am not a sun lover. I am not a summer lover. I am a fall/winter girl.. I always look at it this way... It is easier for me to warm up with a blankie or hot drink than it is for me to cool down. There are only so many clothes that you can take off. Now, I am a big girl, to say the least, and I hate wearing shorts in public. I just do. This summer though, I have been wearing them a ton, cuz the A/C that we have in our house isn't powerful enough for the whole place, so it is always somewhat warm in here on the hot hot days *which have been many* -- so I threw " I look like a beached whale in shorts" aside, and have been wearing them all summer :)

Yesterday went to a car show with my mom.. I won't get into it much, other than to say that my mom's little truck won first in it's class, and I am badly sunburned. Jim told me.. that this would happen. But honestly, we would move into the shade whenever the shade moved, we moved.. but... towards the end of our day outside, there was no more shade.. so... not much sleep last night for me. I hate that. I need a lot of sleep. I just do. So for me getting like 2 hrs is like not having slept at all.. I have full faith that my very normal capable amazing husband can do life on 2 hrs sleep, but I can't. And I am sore... so I wanted to update my blog, and then I am going back to the chair that I have been in all day.

Our landlord came to put down some spray today for spiders and bugs in general, so the cat is locked in the bedroom, where the A/C is.. and will be that way for another hour.. but it is making the rest of the apartment hotter than usual. Plus, I am radiating a lot of heat myself, so that does not help much ;) " Is it me, or is it hot in here??" LOL

I am going to buy some Mary Kay lip gloss. Now, I am the least girly person anyone has probably ever met... but, I have convinced myself (I think) that if I do little things to dress up more, or feel "pretty" or what ever, that I wll feel good about myself. I don't know that it will work, and I don't like that there is shoping and buying things involved in it.. but we will see.. I can not wait til winter is here... We don't have a bathtub in this apt.. shower only, but my mom has a house with 3 bathrooms now, that means 3 tubs... and I will be taking baths over there, I have warned her of this already :) -- I love my mom, and I really love spending all the time with her that I have been spending.. but it doesn't make up for the fact that Jim has gone back to work, and I miss him a LOT when he is gone... don't know why I can't just get over that one.. but it is prolly cuz before when he worked full time, so did I.. so I didn't have as much time to miss him.... anyway this is getting long and rambly now, so I am going to go and find a movie or a show to watch :)

PS - My mom gave me a copy of tim mcgraw's "live like you were dying" cd. I like a lot of the songs on it. One thing I didn't know though, was that he doesn't write his own music.. that kind of bummed me out, but I still think he is a good singer I guess :)

Angel Chasse (again)



What is this world coming to? Waking up and turning on the news channel is not that great anymore. Not for me anyway. How do people hear all of this going on with the world and not feel overwhelmed with hopelessness and 'why why why'

I feel so bad for the people of London.. I mean holy cats, you are on the subway, or on a double decker bus, probably going to work for the day.. and whammo -- some extremist group somewhere trying to make their point blows you up.... what the heck is that? My prayers are with you.

Is there not any other way to get a point across, short of making sure some humans that share your planet with you are murdered? Is the world living with a fear in the back of their minds a GOOD thing to you people? I mean, holy crap. I know I have my issues, anyone who knows me knows the same, but how the heck do people rationalize killing other people for no other reason than to make a point, or to strike fear? I don't get it.

I also don't know what the correct balance is. Sometimes I think that I need to never ever watch the news again, and be ignorant to anything going on, because I get upset and have so many feelings about what I do hear and see is going on in the world. But, I can't seem to do that, because I don't want to be ignorant, or ignore things going on around me. But how do people continue to go on, day after day, when all that seems to be on the news is bad news, about people with evil in their hearts and minds... child abduction and abuses... terrorism... murder... corporate corruption.... war agreed to and allowed -- on a preface that we had facts.. when really we had lies, fabrications, and exaggerations... I don't know.. I am not a church going person, but I imagine (and the hubby even brought it up) that in these times, many Christian groups have to be thinking that the end times are coming.... geesh.... I know, I know.. I need to chill, and calm down, and focus on the positive......... I wish it was as easy as saying those words...
Take care everyone who might be reading this

Angel Chasse (again)


July 6th 2005....

Three things come to mind about today's date.
1. Tristan (Our Nephew) - It's his 12th birthday today
2. George W Bush - Tristan shares his birthday with our president.. Lucky him (/sarcasm)
3. Cruise day! Not Tommy... No, rfamily cruise starts soon!! :) Next year they are going up the west coast from Seattle (I think) and going through Alaska.. I hope that Rosie and her family and all of those cruisers have a WONDERFUL time... but something tells me that they will :)

Jim is gone all day today - 11am to 7pm. At the McJob - I McMiss him :)

I need to make some phone calls, my sister, and Tristan. I want to call my sister, and hope she is doing well, and everything is going along ok with the pregnancy. It won't be long til I have a new little nephew or niece. Which reminds me, we had better pick out a unique and cool baby gift. Anyone with ideas on baby gifts, you'll have to enlighten me ;) -- but here is my deal. I don't know WHY I have to be like this.. but I am ... now.. we don't have long distance on our phone. So we have to have a phone card to call anyone out of town. Not a big deal. But Sarah has really only called me once since I moved here more than a month ago. I know that she is probably way more busy than I am, so I get that. But, she does have free minutes on her cell phone every night, and every weekend, and I know that when she works, she used to call me cuz she would get bored. I wonder if she isn't a little mad at me since we moved here right before she is going to have the baby. But, we did have good reason to move here, for Jim's school. I guess I put off telling her cuz I knew that she would be upset and I was trying to avoid her getting upset with me... but anyway.. I wonder how much she would actually bring over the baby for me to babysit anyway.. I know in her mind, my things, and my life does not quite measure up to her standards. I need to stop letting stupid stuff like this get to me, but I sure can't.. urgh.. anyway, I love Sarah, and I will love my new nephew or niece more than you can probably imagine, and I will be there for her any time and any way that I can. I fool myself sometimes into thinking that I would be useful to other people. I don't know why I do that, because when it comes down to it, no one needs me or depends on me for anything... ok.. sounds dramatic. I know that Jim loves me, and he wants me in his life, and my family loves me too. But when it comes down to it, I don't do anything for them. You know, how in most families, you have one person that is always there for cooking, or the one who does baking, or the one who organizes all the family get togethers, or the one who keeps everyone informed, or the one who is the emotional support, or the one who is... well, I don't know how to say it.. but I am not any of those helper people to my family. I just show up, visit, eat, clean up, leave... I don't know. I suppose I am just complaining.
Maybe it is this dumb summer chest cold. It feels like I have tiny little baby lungs, cuz when I take a big breath, it hurts like heck... It will go away soon :) And, Jim has the next 2 days off after today :) that is coooooool :) I guess I am done complaining for today. If you took the time to read this, here is some chocolate as payment :):):)

Angel Chasse (again)



I have had 1000 hits (according to my counter) on this blog. I wonder who is reading? I wonder what they call think? Hrm... then again, maybe I don't want to know what EVERYONE who reads thinks :) LOL - Just kiddin.. it's muggggggy here.. but what do I expect.. 3rd of July in Iowa... go figure...

I didn't have a lot to post about today, just watched the news a bit, and that was depressing.. so many people missing, killed, hurt, messed up.. Not a lot of good news on the news these days. I can't wait til Jimbo gets home tonight. I am not adjusted yet to him having a job, and being gone during the evenings. I got used to having him around all of the time..
On another subject, I have a summer cold. I hate those. I am a snot factory.. I know.. TMI TMI!!

I don't think we are doing anything for the 4th.. I have no energy, and Jim is going to fix a friend's computer, and then has to work from 5-10 again, so that pretty much covers 4th of July :)
I think it is naptime for me....

Angel Chasse (again)


Deb is in heaven now....

My mom just called. Her best friend Deb passed away.

I am happy for Deb, cuz I know she was in a lot of pain, and very sick.

I feel sad for my mom, not only did she lose her best friend, but she also didn't get the phone message saying she passed away Friday June 24th, and so she didn't go to the funeral that was Monday, the 27th. I think it would have been good for my mom to get to say goodbye. I guess it's good in a way though, cuz my mom (like me) is very emotional, and it might have broken her heart to be there. Deb was looking down I am sure, and laughing it up about how my mom hates that cell phone "necessary evil" to her. Well, this "death watch" is over now, and though my mom missed the ceremony putting Deb to rest. I think that Deb understands. Maybe it is better this way anyway. Tears take a lot out of you.

This Wednesday my mom and dad went to a funeral. One of my dad's cousin's kids. He was 36 years old. Just dropped down to the floor with a massive heart attack. Reminds me that life is fragile, and no tomorrow is guaranteed. My mom said the worst thing ever was watching those two parents lay their child to rest before them. My mom " I just want to let you know, that we went to that funeral, and none of you guys (her kids) are allowed to die before me... I won't have it " --- see there, horrible thing to think about, but like my mom and I do, she tried to get her point across with laughter ;) -- So, I guess it is official. My mom's kids "are not allowed to die without permission" - LOL -- See, I am a freak. I can find humor in this situation, with my mom's help, but can't seem to cheer up from the littlest things sometimes. Anyway, I should prolly end this post now, and go do something constructive.. but if anyone out there is reading this, and if you pray, or anything like that, my Mom could use a few kind wishes. Thanks

Angel Chasse (again)

Happy Fourth Of July

I have always loved this song. I am not sure how to make it play on this blog, so I will have to settle for just posting the words. I hope that everyone reading this has a great 4th of July weekend, safe, and with friends and family. I just signed a note to our troops at http://americasupportsyou.mil -- If you have a moment, please go there and let the troops know we are all thinking of them as we give thanks for our freedom. Most anyone who knows me knows that I don't support GW Bush's lying to us about his reasons for this war, and I wish that all of our servicemen and women were home. But not supporting this president is NOT the same as not supporting our troops. I support them 110%, and I wish each and every one of them a safe return home to their friends and family. Thank you armed forces of America. I for one, sincerely appreciate the work you do. America's freedome is not free. Thanks again for all of the work you do!!!!!!!!!!
Here's that song... enjoy!

If tomorrow all the things were gone
I’d worked for all my life,
And I had to start again with just my children and my wife.
I’d thank my lucky stars to be living here today,
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can’t take that away.

And I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A.

From the lakes of Minnesota,
to the hills of Tennessee,
across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea,
From Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA,
Well, there’s pride in every American heart,
and it’s time to stand and say:

I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A.
God Bless The U.S.A.

Words and Music by Lee Greenwood© Copyright 1984 by MUSIC CORPORATION OF AMERICA, INC. & SONGS OF POLYGRAM INTERNATIONAL, INC.All Rights Controlled and Administered by MUSIC CORPORATION OF AMERICA, INC.International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved

Angel Chasse (again)


My Husband, Jim

He's strong. He's steadfast. He's a genius, even if he didn't know it.
31 years old. Nontraditional college student (3.25 GPA) - wow - good job
He loves me. With his whole heart. And his soul. Loves me when I am happy, when I am sad, when I am screaming at him, when I am freaking out. He just loves me all the time. He is better to me and for me than I deserve. I am all emotion. He knows how to keep his in check. He takes care of me. He never really asks for anything. He always looks for little ways to light up my life. We have known each other since Jan 6th 1997 ( I was 18 he was 23) - Married on Jan 6th 1998 - I don't know how he does it. I don't know how he puts up with me. His spirit is strong, and good, and happy. My spirit is damaged, and at best good. He loves me on the good days, and on the bad days, and even when there are no good days, it's all bad ones strung together. He is my rock. I am not that for him. I don't know how he holds himself up, but he does :)
I just wanted to share with the world of bloggers that my husband is perfect for me, and he is the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I love him very much, and I am not sure why, but he loves me back :):) It's always good when they love you back..
Geeky like me :):)
(In no particular order)
I love you Jim. I will love you for ever.
Thank you for loving me.

Angel Chasse