
Boring, but some quotes that I like

Here are some quotes that I like to look at.. and think about.. I know this doesn't really make for tantilizing reading, but hey, I like em :)

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear.” – Mark Twain

The world is full of evil, not because of those who do it, but because of those who look on and do nothing. (start asking yourself, what can *I* do?)

We could all take a lesson from crayons: Some are sharp, some are beautiful, some have weird names, all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box. (I really love this one)

Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life.
--Leo Buscaglia

Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence
--Vince Lombardi

She lacks confidence, she craves admiration insatiably. She lives on the reflections of herself in the eyes of others She does not care to be herself.
--Anais Nin (could have been written about me)

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness. --Dalai Llama

You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything - even poverty - you can survive it.
--Bill Cosby

And, because I *do* like to laugh...

Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar.
--Drew Carey

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
--Robert A. Heinlein


Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one.
--John Lennon


Not much to say

Not a lot to say, and a busy weekend coming up with a friend over for her bday :)

I can't wait to see Rosie's movie Sunday night! But... I have to miss Desparate Housewives.. Well worth it :)

Here is a picture of the birthday girl!!!!!!

Becky :)
Happy Birthday Becky :) Many more happy years to come for you!!!!!!!

Angel Chasse


Angel's Side of Family

Angel's Side of Family
Originally uploaded by Angel Chasse.
This is a perfect picture, EXCEPT -- No Jim in it, and a white circle of light.. but anyway, this is my side of the family. I am soooo happy that I can finally put a picture in here!!! WOO HOO
Have a great night all!!

Angel Chasse

Jims Entire Side of Family

Jims Entire Side of Family
Originally uploaded by Angel Chasse.
Ok, we will see if this works this time.. Last time it moved my blog page all kinds of baaad ways :)

Angel Chasse

First a Flickr, Now a Ticker

Near the top of my blog page, there should be (Asuuming I did it right) a yellow scrolling ticker. It is an AMBER Alert ticker. I got it from someone else, and the link I used to get the HTML code for it was :


I see that right now Florida has a missing 12 year old. Praying for a safe return!!!

In other news -- saw some people (5 maybe) holding signs and protesting the war in Iraq - I wonder, do most people understand that there can be a difference between not supporting the WAR, and not supporting OUR TROOPS INVOLVED IN IT??? I, for one, don't think we should have went into and occupied Iraq. The info was faulty, and um.. well.... weren't we supposed to be finding Osama BL? Anyway.. I FULLY support our servicemen and servicewomen. I think they are doing a job more brave than I could do, and they are leaving behind everyone here, for MY benefit, and for MY good. No, I don't agree with the reason they are there, or the man that is in charge now that told them to go... but I RESEPECT and ADMIRE each and every one of our troops for answering that call to duty, no matter how flawed it was... I only wish that they could ALL come home.. but they didnt ALL come home...
Hate the war, Love the soldiers.... Hope that makes sense, but even if it doesn't to you, its how I feel .. so

Angel Chasse


Flickr 4 me

I just set up my flickr account. It is at http://www.flickr.com/photos/mciangel
I can also send pictures to this with my flickr. I think. Iam going to try it and see how it works out .
Rosie's site is updated.. much yellow :)
Jim came and read my blog (Jim=Husband) - I don't think he's gonna become a blogger though..
I bet after reading what **I** post in here, he's like.. NO WAY :) LOLLOL JUST kiddin..
I dont know how to make these : ) smiley faces, to show as smileys.. I better turn something on or something.. I am not sure how to turn the rich text on, so that smileys are smileys

Thought for today.. IQ test... worth it?

Angel Chasse (again)


Angel Loves Jim ... Wanna See??????

Ok, not a lot of anything important to say.. Just wanted to share a link to a picture of my husband, Jim, and I - This is at a cool park, with Japanese Rock Gardens... anyway.. I could not figure out how to upload the picture so it would just pop up, but if anyone wants to help me with that :) LOL -- I think it is because we use a free domain.. they prolly can't let you do EVERYTHING for free :) I'm just glad I have a website at all for free :):)

Have a great night all, and hug and kiss on the ones you love :)

Here's the link to see Jim and I :

Angel Chasse

Enough..leave Rosie ALONE

Ok, so I started this blog, cuz I read Rosie's, and she was great at blogging... so I made one of my own :) - I read hers religiously LOL ( What's your religion Angel, Angel: I'm a Rosieologist :))

Ok.. that was funny to me... and.. prolly not to you.. but anyway...moving on..

Why do people have to lash out at Rosie? What has she done to them? NOTHING
What is she doing wrong? NOTHING
Who is she hurting? NOONE

Who is she helping??????? TONS OF PEOPLE especially me..
So, again, like I said in my comment on her blog... if you have something horrible to say to her.... why don't you just email it to ME at mciangel@gmail.com and I will deal with you. We can talk it out, you can hurl insults, heck you can even call me fat and stupid.. I can take it.. but you should leave Rosie alone, because
She doesnt have time to look at your crap. She is busy DOING THINGS FOR THE GOOD OF MANKIND WITH HER LIFE -- again LEAVE HER ALONE...

Ok... end of my ranting.. I just do NOT understand how people can come down so hard on someone who hasn't hurt THEM.. hasn't ever bothered THEM... I don't get it ..

I love Rosie O'Donnell, and I want all of the best things for her.. she is "good people" and she really has things to say that I would like to hear, and I would like to continue to be able to comment on her blog.. something that I enjoy.. and others too.. and if these jerks keep it up, I might lose that privilige.. so.. thats the reason for this rant.. I love Rosie, and I think a lot of people get a lot out of her writings.. :):)
Take care Rosie...
Love ya :):)
Angel Chasse



I am tired..
Tired of feeling this way
Tired of letting myself down
Tired of not knowing what life is going to need me for
Tired of seeing that other people do extraordinary things, even if they are tired themselves
Tired of standing by the sidelines, terrified, or watching on tv .. cuz I am terrified
Tired of letting the past get in the way of my future
Tired of worrying.. its not gotten me anywhere so far
Tired of having this dark cloud with me at all times.. and that cloud is so big and it rains so hard
Tired of being... well.. me
Tired of not even knowing who this .. me.. is that I know I dont want to be
Tired of reading Rosie's blog, and thinking... what is it that I can do .. what difference can I make
Tired of making excuses
Tired of letting people take advantage of me, and feeling like a victim
Tired of not speaking up
Tired of running away
Tired of copping out
Tired of being a loser, when I WANT to be a helpful, honorable, useful human being
Tired of praying prayers for everyone, and not even understanding who I think is listening to those prayers... believing there is a higher power.. but wondering how he/she could let the things that happen in todays world happen... confused..
Tired of not making my voice heard
Tired of sticking with status quo cuz it is easier
TIRED of avoiding confrontation to the point that I blow up for no reason at the people I DO LOVE - because I have held it in with everyone/everything else..
Tired of fat
Tired of no energy
Tired of therapy
Tired of being co dependant
Tired of whining
Tired of bitchin and moaning..
Tired of ME

I'm thinking, I better try a new me .. cuz this one is NOT WORKING!!!@!@!@#@# urgh..
And she goes to bed... TIRED

Angel Chasse (again)


I need

I need to figure out what it is that I can do for others. Doing things for others makes me feel good, but I am so lost in this illness, and sadness, and myself, that I don't help others like I should.
What can I do? No money to speak of, I'm scared of everything.. and everyone.. don't like to meet new people... but.. this has to pass eventually...
What can **I** do to help people? If anyone has any suggestions, I am open to hearing them.
I just feel like there must be SOMETHING I can do, that I am not thinking of.. that won't kill me, yet will help others.. so that I can feel like I have a purpose, cuz to tell you the truth many many days come and go, and I think... if I wasn't here anymore, nothing would have been changed in this day in time.. - I know, seems extreme, but dang, I need to get on the ball and DO SOMETHING with my life..
Thats all for now, sorry if I brought you down...
On an up note...
I have the best husband in the entire world. He treats me with such love and respect :) I don't deserve him :):) :) He is GREAT ;)

Angel Chasse (again)



Hi, My name is Angel Chasse
What can I do to help you today?
Just let me know.. comments are on.. or at my website's guestbook



Angel Chasse (again)



I love my family...
I think now of what makes family.. thanks to Rosie...

To Rosie:
I'm sorry that you had to lose both of your moms...
I am sooooo HAPPY for you that you had 2 moms.....
I have one mom, she is trully the best....

I have 2 dads.. The one that I had, and now he is gone.. not dead (I hope) but not with me just the same... I love him, I always will, even though I don't agree with SO MUCH of what he is about...

My second dad - Steve..
Its hard to get a new dad when you are a teen.. we fought.. I told him I wanted to move out, and he put up with it.. probably the 10th time I did that, he packed me a bag... I cried, and of course didn't leave.. I didn't know I should respect him.. I didnt know that he chose to love my mom even though she had 2 kids.. I didnt know that that took a special person... I didnt know that learning how you need to live can hurt.. when you don't want to learn.. when you are a teen..
Embarrassed really, how I acted - how I treated him... yelled... you are NOT my dad, you cant make me do anything! Slammed doors, cried, thought I hated..... I never hated -- never-- but I thought I did.... He has taught me so much.. in the years when I needed to learn... I wonder if he knows now, how much I did learn.. I am who I am now because of him.. my mom too... she was the constant... she was my rock.. but now I have two... and I need to tell them.. I need to tell them how much I love them, and how I would CHOOSE him if I had it to do again :) :)

Family... we choose our friends... I have friends that are family... 2 moms 2 dads 1 mom only a dad, a grandma, a brother.. whoever runs your family, whatever the makeup - respect it -- you dont always get a second mom, or a second dad like I did.. and Rosie did - we were lucky..... FAMILY IS IMPORTANT they are there to root for you, and correct you, and love you, and teach you so much... no matter who is in your family... love them, and RESPECT them.. agree or disagree - they are you family... and your CHOSEN family is always your family.... you can choose, to let someone into your family -- you can choose to let them in ... let them in please ... EVERYONE needs family ....
I really dont want to be on a soapbox here... but time flies.... and we dont get everything we want to, done... tell the people you love.. your family... tell them what they mean to you... tell them... they need to hear it -- no matter who they are - they need to hear it.. TELL THEM...
We wont be here forever... lets do the best we can with the time we have -- try to get out of our comfort zones.... seek out someone who needs a friend... sure, you dont know them.. this might happen, that might happen -- yadda yadda --- DO SOMETHING --- it is WORTH IT
****Trying to take my own advice********* -- not perfect here... far far from it ....
Find your truth... find your voice.. yellow....
I am looking soo hard... for my yellow...
sad, black, panic are taking over... voices... everything...
But I cant let it defeat me.... I cant let it defeat me .. I cant let it defeat me.. I cant let it defeat me
Thanks for reading this far.. I always welcome comments... shoot.. I'll listen...

Angel Chasse


All about me this one..

26 years old... married to the best man in the world.
Crazy - well mentally ill - disability check for that
Scared of the world - they might hurt me
Nightmares... something that happened 20 years ago .. I think... "get over it already"
Had a dad, got a new (better) one - love the new one .. not sure how to feel about the old one
Have a brother - 22 - busy partying
Lower lower middle class - live in the midwest
Husband in school.. natural computer geek.. not geeky.. very SMART man
Believe in god... but not sure about everything in the bible..
Why do people have to hate one another?
Why are we at war in iraq? our boys are DYING - do people really understand that?
I want a baby - I might never have one ... someday.. maybe I could adopt... but.. not sure if I can with all of my faults....
Is it worse to not trust anyone, or to trust everyone?
A best friend of more than 10 years wrote me a bad check.... not that big of a deal I guess to most.. but to me .. a thinking point.... did I trust too much? Now she doesn't talk to me.. a friend lost over 470.00?? Hardly seems worth it to me... but to her? And her 2 year old son? So cute.. probably not coming to visit me any time soon.. SAD
I believe in love... I love so much.. :) And I know my husband loves me.. though I dont know why most of the time -- he is a champ -- puts up wth so much -- he must see something I don't, I cant, I wont? -- cuz I dont know how he does it???
I need to learn so much... I need to learn how to make it in the world, how not to worry.. but not how to love, I know how to do that :) so thati s one thing I guess;) --
Rosie posted today in her blog.. she does good things.. she wants no credit .. I admire her for that .. she said something about a lawsuit.. why do people have to pick on her and her family? LEAVE THEM ALONE I say.. What did they do to you????

Enough for now
Angel Chasse


Rosie and Rachael

I love watching Rachael Ray cook - she is so bubbly, she looks very happy. I don't know her so I dont know if it is real or not, but I really think she can't fake that - don't know .. she does "inside dish" - I think that Rosie O'donnell and her kids and wife would be great on that show :) Yellow and Yellow :)

I can't find my true yellow. I thought I had it when I was a kid, but then - nope.. now I can't see it .. feels like I might be colorblind. Not even sure if I could recognize my yellow if I had it right here, right now - I don't know.. I am going to work on it though..

I watched Whoopi's Back to Broadway.. makes you think.. I am a lot like Whoopi in my thoughts.. The Bible... how litereally is is supposed to be taken? -- if the world was created only 2000 years ago, how did some of this stuff get here? And how do they explain it? And, I really think the Bible is full of parables, stories, written by smart men at the the time.. to keep us from lawlessness, to keep people caring about right and wrong.. if no one believed in god.. if they didn't believe in heaven or hell.. what would anyone do the right thing for? I think they wrote the bible to give people hope and guidance at that time.. It does have relavence today, but I dont know how literal it is anymore....
Many will disagree I am sure, but it is how I feel.. I also support our troops around the world with my whole heart.. but I am PISSED at baby bush for making them go.. making them fight his made up war.. making their mothers get that call "your son has been lost" ALL FOR WHAT???
Very controversial post I suppose.. but it is MY blog, and MY thoughts... a little tiny bit of my yellow I suppose.... although.. I dont know what I want to be when I grow up

I do know that I want to love other people... all shapes, sizes, ethnicity, income, education,age,interests, opinions.... I want to listen to what others have to say, and consider it, and then decide what is right for ME - It is not for ME to judge.... and I dont think it is for YOU to judge either.. just my opinion..... love is love, no matter who.. and a mommy is a mommy.. no matter how... Ok, enough out of me for now....

Angel Chasse



Mentally, I feel like I am 6 - I can't get over anything
Mentally, I feel tired, and sick
Mentally, I know I do this to my self, and that only I can fix it
Mentally, I want all the bad to stop

Logically, I know that the medicines should help, and that this is an illness
Mentally, I feel like I am broken, and will never feel beter.. ever
Logically, I know that if I go to therapy and work hard, I can change the way I feel
Mentally, I don't have the energy to do anything, but sit

Logically, I know I have distorted thinking, and I let myself feel sorry for myself..
Logically, I know that it isn't "I can't feel better" its, "I WON'T do the work"
Logically, I know I am not crazy, but ill
Logically, I know that I would not look down on anyone with the same illness as me, I know I would be compassionate and want to help them any way I could
Logically, I know that I don't have to be scared of everyone, and everything
Logically, I know that life is worth living...

Mentally,I am scared, and can't seem to shake it
Mentally,I worry all the time.. about everything
Mentally,I hear voices screaming in my head that I will never recover and should die....

So, how do I stay living in the "logic"?

You can probably tell me, especially if you have never felt like this... but I am open to suggestions.... :)

My first blog post

This is my first blog posting. I read Rosie O'Donnell's blog, and thought it might make me feel better to blog... we will see